Auldron Feugelhaig Character in Avaløn | World Anvil
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Auldron Feugelhaig

Master Builder

Auldron Feugelhaig is a talented Dwarven artificer, noble of Sota, and sole benefactor of the Carnival of Creations. He began work on a 'Genesis Project' in 523 AXR to build a sundry of autonomous guardians that would aid the Greyblades in tackling crime and defend against foreign invaders. However, it didn't take long before criminals and rivals began hearing of his work, leading one particular force of evil, the mad demon Ryokai, to take action. Over the next few years, the Rakshasa began impersonating the Dwarf to gain access to his machines, which he tampered with in hopes he could taint the Genesis Project into one of malicious intent, using which he could take the city under his control, aided by the constructs. When Feugelhaig found out, the demon wracked his mind with terrible nightmares that forced him to quit work on his machines. This led the artificer to shift his focus to locating the demon, though when he delved too deep, the demon had him locked away in Hemlock Asylum to rot forevermore in late 527 AXR.   Within a matter of months in the asylum, he began to lose his sanity and tried to take his life in 529 AXR. The warden, Mister Kister ordered him to be lobotomised as punishment for his attempted escape, but a famous band of adventurers known only as the Masters of the Nine Elements rescued him in the nick of time, attempting to break him out as a part of their quest to locate the whereabouts of the mad demon for themselves.

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