The Everen Empire Organization in Avaløn | World Anvil
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The Everen Empire (The Eh-vuh-rin Empire)

The Everen Empire is a growing organisation along the Alta-Nova Coast under the dictatorship of Emperor Barontyne. The Empire was formed in 492 AXR, shortly after Barontyne came to power. It largely operates through fear of its citizens and enemies.   The Empire's core beliefs are based on Mesilism - its main aim is to spread the idea of continental unity throughout Σu'ryxia and create a continent under the rule of Emperor Barontyne. Laws in these countries are incredibly strict, due to the Emperor's merciless reputation and paranoia of his Empire collapsing from underneath him. Most crimes are punishable by death and laws are enforced by the Empire's Government: The High Dominion. Every citizen inside the Empire is monitored travelling in and out through Scrying Marks tattooed onto their forearms. This helps monitor crime in the main cities and stops people from escaping the Empire's grasp.   The Everen Empire was responsible for starting The Σu'ryxian Civil War in 518 AXR after The Estrialist Rebellion refused to back down and retreat back over The Western Spine.
Geopolitical, Empire
Controlled Territories

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