Briard Brigade

The Briard Brigade is a group of trained Briards, French herding dogs, that perform various task around the village. They serve as livestock herders and guardians, pest control, messengers, rescue dogs, and babysitters.

Briards will herd anything on this green Earth, from sheep to cattle to chickens. They'll herd your children if you let them. Jean-Luc here has been known to herd me home from the The Double Header. Good dogs; loyal, smart, hard workers. The official dogs of Avalon!



Training Briards as herding dogs involves early introduction to livestock and lots of positive reinforcement. They learn commands through consistent, patient guidance. Herding trials and agility exercises help harness their natural herding instincts, while structured activities ensure mental stimulation. Their intelligence and loyalty make them exceptional herders and versatile working dogs.

As guard dogs, training involves harnessing their natural protective instincts. This process starts with early socialization around the village in general to ensure they can distinguish between normal and threatening situations. Obedience training is crucial, focusing on commands like “stay,” “guard,” and “alert.” It cannot be overstated that positive reinforcement is key, rewarding them for appropriate responses. Controlled exposure to various "threat" scenarios helps them remain calm under pressure. Their keen senses and loyalty make them excellent at identifying and responding to potential threats from people, wildlife, vermin, and anything that goes bump in the night.


In 1730, Avalon, Indiana, established the “Briard Brigade,” a group of working Briards renowned for their heroics. One summer, they expertly herded a dozen loose cattle back to their pasture, preventing chaos in the village square. Another time, they located Mrs. Hargrove, a senior plagued with dimentia who had wandered off into the woods, guiding her safely home. In a third instance, the Brigade saved the village’s stored grain from a rat infestation, tirelessly guarding the granary and ensuring the community’s food supply remained intact. These loyal and versatile dogs became the village’s devoted heroes, their legacy enduring through generations.

Special Forces
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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Aug 23, 2024 00:04 by Marjorie Ariel

DAWWWWWWW! Please tell me you know Jean-Luc personally.

Aug 24, 2024 15:19 by Haly the Moonlight Bard

I wiiiiish! But alas, no, they are all stock images from Canva. Avalon is a fictional setting in very real Indiana, and so it's a lot of fun blending in the early, pre-revolutionary history of the area. French fur traders, Jesuit missionaries, and the local Lenape (Delaware) people (who had already once been displaced by settlers in New England).

Haly, the Moonlight Bard

Summer Camp in Avalon

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