Session 6 to 10 Report Report in Avalonia | World Anvil

Session 6 to 10 Report

General Summary

The companions finally find shelter with a friendly, yet sad, goliath named Samson. Samson shelters and feeds the companions while providing needed shelter for them. The next morning the companions find Samson missing, but a small supply of wood and food placed on the outer side of the door. Using the directions from Samson, the companions make their way to one of the passes that exits the Aurora Tundra. On their way towards the pass, the companions discover a forgotten graveyard. While in the graveyard, the companions accidently release the avatar of a long lost goddess - Deicide: Goddess of Vengeance.   The companions then continue towards the pass only to be set upon by wyverns. Shortly after their encounter with the wyverns, they encounter a small group of flying eagles - one with a rider. Introducing herself as Wren, she offers to take the companions to her home, Asari. While in Asari, Megara catches a prized kill in a hunt and Rufus learns how to create the sky elves' healing salve. Breen, Wren's mother offers to take the companions to the Easthaven when she heads down there with a shipment of trade goods.    After catching a ride with Wren's mother, Breen, the companions find themselves outside of a large building. Coming out of the back door, the companions see an older Goliath. He introduces himself as Triel. The companions soon learn that Triel is the father of the friendly goliath they met in the Aurora Tundra - Samson. Later that night, while staying the evening at the Frosted Pixie, the local inn in town, they are awoken by a mysterious wailing sound. They soon discover a hag outside of the inn. After defeating the hag, the companions are able to get a good night sleep.   The next morning, the companions awaken to a fresh layer of snow on the ground. Soon, the fey creatures within the city start to murmur a name "Custofey". Within minutes, they are face to face with a centaur who introduces himself as Custofey, guardian of the Everwinter's Pine. After a short conversation, Custofey is able to convince the companions to help him with an issue he is having with a couple of fire giants on the eastern edge of the forest.    During their trek to the giants the companions are attacked by a small pack of dire wolves. During the fight Custofey dies in battle causing the companions to continue on alone after burying and hiding Custofey's body. At long last the companions make it to a ridge overlooking the fire giants position. From their viewpoint, they can see a large bonfire, a huge pile of fallen timbers, and two large fire giants. The color of the bonfire is a blood red. Carefully approaching the giants' position, the companions are able to sense weird magics from the fire. By casting radiant magic over the fire, they are able to sense a change in the both the aura and color of the fire. Soon a golden glowing otter appears from within the fire and the giants start to form into gigantic trees. Slowly a radiating female elf, with tree like features emerges from the tree. Megara is able to identify the elf as an avatar of Mindori: Goddess of the Forest. Rufus, feeling a provide drive and calling, walks into the, now golden-colored, fire and beckons his companions to him. Slowly and somewhat unsure, they also enter into the fire, surprised that to find themselves not burning, but instead surrounded by a calming and relaxing feeling.   Mindori then informs the companions that the deities of Avalonia are starting to wake and will soon, once again, start to spread their influence upon the lands. She further tells them that deities of all ideals - good, neutral, evil, law, and chaos - are being awakened to ensure balance within the lands. After Mindori accents to the sky, the companions decide to return to Easthaven, find passage - on a boat - to Thralash to try to discover more information on the Pantheons of Avalonia.   After finding passage on a merchant boat down the Everwinter River, through the Thralashi Lake to Thralash, the companions spend the evening in Easthaven. On sunrise, the companions head to the docks, board the boat and start to head down the river. On the second day of the trip, the boat is attacked by a group of Sahuagin and a plesiosaurus. As the companions defend the boat from the Sahuagin, the plesiosaurus attacks the crew and the boar itself. Shortly after defeating the last Sahuagin, the plesiosaurus, finally breaks through the hull of the boat causing it to quickly sink. The companions quickly rescues the few remaining crew members from the river and takes them to the shore.   The companions then escort the remaining crew back to Easthaven. Locating another boat, they book passage. However, the boat is not scheduled to leave for two days. Finding a hot meal and warm drink at the Satyr Choice Tavern, the companions relax and recover from their ordeal on the river. Megara tries her hand at being a server in the tavern and finds some great success. While serving, one of the customer peaks her interest - a human male in his mid 20's. Dressed in fine, but well worn clothing, this customer seems quiet, but well mannered and very generous with his tipping. After the guy leaves, Bay's memories are triggered by the appearance of him. He then recalls the story of the heir of the Edenbourne Kingdom who went missing about twelve years ago.    The next day, with their curiosity peaked, the companions start to look for the young man. Finally finding a well built cabin on the outer range of Easthaven, they discover is closed and locked up. To the right of the tree is a large strange looking tree. Suddenly there are a pack of harpies that attack the companions. After defeating the harpies, the companions start to investigating the area around the cabin and decide to wait around for a couple of days in the hopes that the owner of the cabin makes an appearance.    Finally, the next day, the companions spot a young man returning from the woods. Megara recognizes the young man as the guy from the tavern. After introducing themselves to him, Duncan, as he introduces himself as, invites the companions into his cabin. When the companions enter the cabin they are taken aback by the magical wonders they see inside - including the actual size of the inside of the cabin. After spending the evening at the cabin, the companions discuss the information Duncan told them about himself after he falls asleep. During the night, a couple of the companions are awakened by the screams of Duncan. Megara hears his cries of "mama" during his nightmare before he calms down and falls back into a peaceful slumber.    The next day, the companions invite Duncan to go hunting. While hunting, Rufus secretly casts the Remove Curse spell on Duncan. This seems to trigger some hidden memories within him and Duncan is able to finally remember who he really is - the missing heir to the Edenbourne Kingdom, Krasnar Azennar. When the companions fill him in, especially the part of his mother's death, he becomes enraged and swears vengeance upon his father. He then offers to hire the companions to discover the truth of his father and to figure out who the Matrons of Malice are. Paying them each 50 gold pieces as a retainer and partial payment he bids them good luck and tells them he will try to maintain the character, he was forced to be, in public.   Returning to Easthaven, they belatedly remember that they missed their boat that they had booked passage on. They quickly make arrangements on another boat that is leaving the next day. The companions then return to town to pass the day away and discover a traveling merchant with powerful oils and healing potions. The rest of the day, they relax and get some sleep at one of the local inns. The next morning they board the boat and head down river. The companions travel all day down the river. As the evening approaches, the boat anchors next to the bank and the crew pitches some tents. During the night, the campsite is attacked by a group of undead. The companions are able to defeat the undead and the boat continues down the river the following morning. The companions make their way down the river and into the Thralashi Lake. When they have sailed about halfway through the lake the weather starts to storm and the boat is hit by a massive rogue wave so powerful that it completely destroys the boat. The companions are able to survive the destruction of the boat and make it to the surface.


Date at Session 6 Start: Freya 28, 1342
Date at Session 10 End: Helio 27, 1342
  Days passed during sessions 6 to 10: 31 days
The First Adventurers
Megara Meg
Bay Waterwheel
Chaotic Neural Water Genasi (Urban Bounty Hunter)
sorcerer 6
97 / 97 HP
Ember Rose
Rufus Stargazer
NG Ghostwise Halfling (Astronomer)
Cleric 5
48 / 48 HP
Report Date
30 Sep 2022


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