Y'Emori (EE-Mor-IE)

Y'Emori is a large city in the Tynn Forest and part of the Edenbourne Kingdom. A 25-foot tall wooden palisade surrounds the city, with watch towers located along the wall front giving the city militia, the Y'Emori Volunteers ample visibility.   The city itself can be described, by the local residents, as big, but quaint - all of the benefits of a bigger city, but still feels small and friendly. The city is put together by districts, with each district serving a purpose.


1000 man militia, the Y'Emori Volunteers

Industry & Trade

Lumber and coal Deer pelts


Commerce District
This district serves as the main hub for traders, artisans, and merchants to sell their wares to the public. It is in the northwestern part of the city and has access to two entry points in and out of the city.
Home District
Commonly just called "home" by the locals, the Home District is where the majority of the housing is located within the city. Located in the southeastern part of town, it is made up of single family homes, large tenements, and even a few fancy estates. 
Lumber District
Located in the central southern part of town, this is where the lumber and coal is produced and refined. It is filled with large coal producing pits, and large sheds where wood is allowed to season. It is one district that is always active at all hours of the day.
Park District
The Park District is home to the artists, minstrels, academics, and fans of games. Located in the central northern section of the city, it is home to the open air theatre pits, the few gambling halls, and the different academies that the city has to offer. It is also home to the race track and fighting pits. It is able to mix both the beauty of art with the thrill of combat.
Open District
The Open District is located in the northeastern part of the city. It is accessible by three entry points in the city wall. It is also where the majority of accommodations are located for visitors and guest of the city. There are also a number of taverns and restaurants located in this area. 
Military District
Located in the southwestern part of the city, this is where the city militia musters and trains. 
Central District
Located in the center part of the city, the Central District is home to the city's town hall and other government buildings.
Large city
Owning Organization
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