Arctic Dwarf Species in Avalor | World Anvil
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Arctic Dwarf

The arctic dwarves, or inugaakalikurit, are a race of dwarves located in the isolated, frigid norths of Avalor. Many dwell in the vast tundra of Vidrea, while others dwell upon the glacial wastes of the Curtain. A gregarious and sociable people, the arctic dwarves are open-minded and individualistic, caring little about the creed or ethnicity of other dwarves. Unfortunately, their remoteness and self-sufficiency has left them somewhat isolated and living in a relatively homogenous society. In most places of Avalor, the arctic dwarves are almost entirely unheard of.  

Glacial Hunter-Gatherers

  Arctic dwarves are a rather small race in comparison to other dwarves, standing just over half the height of a mountain dwarf. They are squat, with stubby legs and pinched faces, although still have significant strength, vigor, and endurance. Inugaakalikurit have pale skin—ranging from light blue to white—that easily sunburns. Their eyes are bright blue, and their hair, which they usually let flow freely, is white and curly. Unlike most dwarves, arctic dwarf females can't grow bears. The males often grow short beards with twisting mustaches.   Inugaakalikurit are an unusual race of dwarves, for they do not divide themselves by clan lineage as the mountain or hill dwarves do. They are free-spirited and selfless, focused on contributing to the greater good of their small hunter-gatherer communities rather than advancing familial interests. The lifestyle of arctic dwarves can seem jarringly casual when compared to other dwarves; arctic dwarves do not value hard work or craftsmanship to the same degree. Despite their differences, they still pay elders are proper respect. Children are paid a great deal of attention and raised by the community as a whole.  

Arctic Dwarf Traits

  Arctic dwarves have the following traits in addition to those shared by all dwarves.   Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 1.   Cold Resistance. You have resistance to cold damage.   Surefooted. You have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks to maintain balance on slippery surfaces.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
250-450 years
Average Height
Average Weight
42-82 lbs


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