Sea Dwarf Species in Avalor | World Anvil
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Sea Dwarf

Sea dwarves are sociable merchants, whalers, explorers, and sometimes pirates who abandoned their mines long ago and now take to the seas. Their homes in fjords and islands and aboard ships keep them far removed from most mainland politics and prone to adventure.  

Call of the Sea

  The vast majority of sea dwarves come from old coastal communities with strong seafaring tradition. Not all sea dwarves have nautical professions—many make a living as merchants, carpenters, ivory or antler carvers, or gem cutters—but most have at least grown up around ships. Sea dwarves live in their own tight-knit communities, as well as intermixed with other coastal races, particularly along the coast of the Bariq Sea and the East Sea of Riches. Their long-held culture of sailing and exploration has shifted them away from the lawful tendencies of their cousins in the hills and mountains, with most sea dwarves favoring chaotic gods such as Kord or Melora over Moradin.   The sea dwarves exhibit a natural adroitness compared to other dwarves. This can be seen in action while they navigate their ships through glacial forests and rocky islands. As a sea dwarf, you stand as tall as your mountain-born cousins but are lighter than hill dwarves. Your skin is generally of a darker complexion and may be covered in sleeves of tattoos. Many sea dwarves keep their beards short and hair shaved or tied in a topknot so not to catch on the rigging of ships. Devout men and women collect trophies such as seashells, jewels, and shark teeth from their voyages and tie them into their beards and hair.  

Sea Dwarf Traits

  The sea dwarf subrace has the dwarf traits, plus the subrace traits below.   Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.   Additional Tool Options. You may alternatively choose to take proficiency in navigator's tools or vehicles (water) as part of your Tool Proficiency trait.   Ship Rigger. As long as you are not wearing heavy armor or a shield, you have a climbing speed and a swimming speed equal to your normal speed.   Marine Combat Training. You have proficiency with the scimitar, rapier, trident, and net. This trait replaces your Dwarven Combat Training trait.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
250-450 years
Average Height
Average Weight
100-210 lbs


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