Beastfolk Species in Avalor | World Anvil
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Beastfolk is an umbrella term referring to all manner of humanoid creatures who resemble the various beasts of Avalor. Different subcategories are sometimes applied to this label, with many calling kenku and aarakocra “avians” or lizardfolk and tortles “reptids”. Regardless, the connecting element of these races is that they are half-beast, half-man.   Few of these creatures maintain similar origins, for they are united purely by their shared animalistic appearances. Some of these races, such as kenku and minotaurs, originated as men twisted and transformed by gods or divine powers into hybrids. Others, such as lizardfolk or leonin, originated and evolved separately from smooth-skinned races.   Beastfolk are embraced by society at differing levels. While some, such as tabaxi and tortles, have successfully integrated themselves into the world, others live in secluded colonies, hidden from persecution. In many settlements, the sight of a lizardfolk or minotaur might immediately prompt a violent response from local guards. Take this into consideration if choosing one of these races.   These beastfolk constitute the more commonly seen adventurers in Avalor. Other creatures, such as gnolls or thri-kreen, may also be considered beastfolk. Consult your DM for options if you are interesting a race not listed.

Articles under Beastfolk


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