Gith Language in Avalor | World Anvil
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The Gith language is the language spoken by all gith, both githyanki and githzerai. The subraces each have their own written dialect, although Gith is spoken roughly the same and uses the same script, called Tir'su.

Writing System

The main writing system of the Gith language is called Tir'su. It consists of arranging each word as a circular pattern, also called a Tir'su, with each letter constituting a "spoke" of the wheel. Sentences and phrases are formed by connecting several individual Tir'su.   The two Gith dialects differ not only in the accent, but also in the usage of the writing system. In the githyanki dialect, each word is written clockwise, starting from the top. The githzerai dialect starts each word from the bottom, filling the wheel counter-clockwise.


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