Planetouched Species in Avalor | World Anvil
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The planetouched are a fairly common occurrence within Avalor. The inner and outer planes have mixed with the material plane for as long as they have existed. This has led to some interesting and bizarre occurrences as far as races go, both on the material plane and outside of it.   Creatures considered as "planetouched" generally fall under two categories: those who originate from other planes, and those from the material plane who have been cursed, blessed, or twisted by extraplanar forces in some manner. The latter does not have much of a shared history, as they themselves are generally loosely connected to both worlds. As such, they might feel as if they do not belong. This rings true for many of the former races too, who are generally quite out of the place adventuring on the material plane.   Tieflings, aasimar, and genasi, although rarities in most communities, are fairly common races for adventurers. Outsiders thrust into homogenous societies, they often find themselves drawn to travel in an effort to fit in elsewhere or discover mysteries surrounding their heritage. Other races, such as giff or gith, are rather unusual occurrences on the material plane. Should you want to choose one of these more exotic options, consult your DM to discuss why you are on the material plane and how you might fit in with the campaign's setting.

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