Ryūjin Ethnicity in Avalor | World Anvil
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The Ryūjin are the dominant ethnic group on the far eastern island of Ryūshima. Distant descendants of the Shānrén people, they share some similarities in facial structure and stature. Ryūjin tend to be born with paler skin that easily tans and longer faces, with black or brown hair and darker eyes.   Ryūjin surnames are generally presented before the first name, although surnames are generally reserved for those with connections to clans and nobility.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Aika, Akiko, Ayumi, Chika, Cho, Emiko, Etsuko, Gina, Hana, Haruki, Hikari, Hiroko, Hisoka, Izumi, Kasumi, Kyoko, Masako, Mi, Naoki, Rei, Saki, Sumiko, Tsukiko, Yasuko, Yuriko

Masculine names

Akio, Atsushi, Daisuke, Eiji, Hajime, Haru, Hideaki, Hideo, Hikaru, Hiroki, Hitoshi, Isamu, Isao, Jun, Katashi, Katsu, Kei, Kenshin, Masato, Noboru, Ryota, Shin, Sora, Takeshi, Yukio

Family names

Abe, Aoki, Chiba, Fujimoto, Fujita, Harada, Hashimoto, Hayashi, Ishida, Ishikawa, Ito, Iwasaki, Kojima, Kudo, Masuda, Matsumoto, Miyazaki, Nakajima, Nishimura, Ota, Sakurai, Suzuki, Takahasi, Tanaka, Yoshida


Major language groups and dialects

Years of intermingling between races has left Eastern Common as the most widely-used language among the Ryūjin people, although their traditional vernacular is Ryūhongo. Many speak Draconic as a result of the Ryūjin people's close relationship with the metallic draconbloods of Ryūshima.


Parent ethnicities
Encompassed species
Languages spoken
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