Ryūhongo Language in Avalor | World Anvil
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Ryūhongo (literally "language of the land of the dragon's origin"), commonly shortened to either Ryūhon or Ryūgo, is the traditional language of the people of Ryūshima. It was created as a fusion of ancient Shānwén and Draconic to serve as the vernacular language for the Ryūjin and metallic dragonborn of ancient Ryūshima. The language was gradually replaced with the introduction of Common, which proved easier to learn and more useful for international trade and communication between races. The vast majority of commoners no longer use the language, although it is widely recognized as the root language for many of Ryūshima's naming conventions, studied by a handful of scholars, and used in certain forms of high art.   Ryūhongo is analogous to real-world Japanese.

Writing System

Ryūhongo has multiple alphabets, using elements of Iokharic script alongside its own set of logographic characters.

Geographical Distribution

Ryūhongo is spoken in Ryūshima and the Owari Islands.
Root Languages
Spoken by


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