Sentinel Species in Avalor | World Anvil
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Strange experimentations assembled by gnomes and dwarves, sentinels were built as task-oriented constructs. While the first sentinels were mindless automatons, the Artificer's Guild devoted vast resources to improving these steel sentinels. An unexpected breakthrough produced sapient constructs, giving rise to what some have only grudgingly accepted as a new species. Sentinels, sometimes called steelforged or warforged, are made from wood and metal, but they can feel pain and emotion. Built as laborers, they must now find a purpose with their mysterious sentience. A sentinel can be a steadfast ally, a cold-hearted killer, or a visionary in search of meaning.  

Living Steel and Stone

  Sentinels are formed from a blend of organic and inorganic materials. Root-like cords infused with alchemical fluids serve as their muscles, wrapped around a framework of steel, darkwood, or stone. Armored plates form a protective outer shell and reinforce joints. Sentinels share a common facial design, with a hinged jaw and crystal eyes embedded beneath a reinforced brow ridge. Beyond these common elements of sentinel design, the precise materials and build of a sentinel vary based on the purpose for which it was designed.   Although they were manufactured, sentinels are living humanoids. Resting, healing magic, and the Medicine skill all provide the same benefits to sentinels that they do to other humanoids.  

Sentinel Personality

  The sentinels were built to serve and protect. For most of their existence, sentinels had a clearly defined function and were encouraged to focus purely on that role. The earliest sentinels operated as servants for the Artificer's Guild, and the next batch were sold to the city of Blackstone as a more combat-focused unit of guards. The Artificer's Guild has since sent a number of them into the world to wander freely, but most struggle to find a place given their incomprehensible sentience and their difficulty relating to the creatures who created them.   The typical sentinel shows little emotion. Many sentinels embrace a concrete purpose—such as protecting allies, completing a contract, or exploring a land—and embrace this task as they once did war. However, there are sentinels who delight in exploring their feelings, their freedom, and their relationships with others. Most sentinels have no interest in religion, but some embrace faith and mysticism, seeking higher purpose and deeper meaning.   The typical sentinel has a sexless body shape. Some sentinels ignore the concept of gender entirely, while others adopt a gender identity.   The more a sentinel develops its individuality, the more likely it is to modify its body, seeking out an artificer to customize the look of its face, limbs, and plating.  

Sentinel Names

  Most sentinels are assigned numerical designations by the Artificer's Guild. Many of them adopted nicknames, often given to them by their comrades. As independent individuals, some have chosen new names as a way to express their path in life. A few take on human names, often the name of a fallen friend or mentor.   Sentinel Names: Anchor, Banner, Bastion, Blade, Blue, Bow, Cart, Church, Crunch, Crystal, Dagger, Dent, Five, Glaive, Hammer, Iron, Lucky, Mace, Oak, Onyx, Pants, Pierce, Red, Rod, Rusty, Scout, Seven, Shield, Slash, Smith, Spike, Temple, Vault, Wall  

Sentinel Traits

  Your sentinel shares the following racial traits with others of its kind.   Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2, and one other ability score of your choice increases by 1.   Age. A typical sentinel is between two and thirty years old. The maximum lifespan of the sentinel remains a mystery; so far, sentinels have shown no signs of deterioration due to age. You are immune to magical aging effects.   Alignment. Most sentinels take comfort in order and discipline, tending toward law and neutrality. But some have absorbed the morality – or lack thereof – of the beings with which they served.   Size. Your size is Medium. Most sentinels stand between 6 and 6 1/2 feet tall.   Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Constructed Resilience. You were created to have remarkable fortitude, represented by the following benefits:
  • You have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned, and you have resistance to poison damage.
  • You don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe.
  • You are immune to disease.
  • You don't need to sleep, and magic can't put you to sleep.
  Sentry's Rest. When you take a long rest, you must spend at least six hours in an inactive, motionless state, rather than sleeping. In this state, you appear inert, but it doesn’t render you unconscious, and you can see and hear as normal.   Integrated Protection. Your body has built-in defensive layers, which can be enhanced with armor.
  • You gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class.
  • You can don only armor with which you have proficiency. To don armor, you must incorporate it into your body over the course of 1 hour, during which you must remain in contact with the armor. To doff armor, you must spend 1 hour removing it. You can rest while donning or doffing armor in this way.
  • While you live, your armor can't be removed from your body against your will.
  Specialized Design. You gain one skill proficiency and one tool proficiency of your choice.   Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.
Average Height
Average Weight
270-300 lbs


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