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Avaloria Council of Mages

The Avaloria Council of Mages is a prestigious organization that oversees the magical practices and guilds within the realm of Avaloria. It ensures that magic is used responsibly and ethically, and it also serves as a mediator in disputes between different magical guilds. The Council is composed of representatives from each major magical guild, and they convene regularly in the grand Mage's Tower in the capital city of Avaloria.   The Avaloria Council of Mages is the central authority overseeing all magical practices within Avaloria. Established to ensure the ethical and responsible use of magic, the Council acts as a mediator in disputes between magical guilds, ensuring harmony and balance in the realm's magical community.   PROMPT FOR IMAGE CREATION: A majestic tower rising against a starry backdrop, surrounded by elemental symbols - fire, water, earth, and air. At its base, a book with a quill, symbolizing knowledge and wisdom. Above the tower, a balance scale, representing the Council's role in mediation.


Grand Archmage (Leader) Council's Inner Circle (Senior Mages) Guild Representatives Junior Mages and Apprentices


The Council values knowledge, wisdom, and balance. They celebrate the annual "Festival of Arcana" where magical innovations are showcased.

Public Agenda

To regulate and oversee magical practices, ensuring they are used ethically and responsibly.


Mage's Tower, vast library of magical tomes, artifacts, potions, and a treasury of 10,000 gold coins.


Founded after the "Great Magical Upheaval", the Council was established to prevent such disasters in the future.

"Balance in Magic, Harmony in Practice"

Founding Date
250 years ago
Geopolitical, Magocracy
Alternative Names
Mage's Conclave, Avaloria Magical Assembly
Avalorian Mage
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles
Related Species


The guild is a prominent member of the council, contributing to major decisions.


The Alchemical Council has always had a close relationship with the Council of Mages, often sharing resources and knowledge.

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