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Basic Information


Bipedal with two arms, two legs, and a head. Muscular and skeletal structure similar to real-world humans.

Biological Traits

Two genders, male and female. Capable of a wide range of physical and mental abilities.

Growth Rate & Stages

Infant, Child, Adolescent, Adult, Elderly.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Feudal system in the Central Kingdoms, with lords, knights, and peasants. Tribal structures in more remote areas.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Predominantly in the Central Kingdoms, with settlements in the Eastern Deserts, Western Coast, and Northern Frostlands.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names often reflect heritage, with surnames indicating family lineage or occupation.

Major Organizations

Various kingdoms and city-states in the Central Kingdoms. Religious orders dedicated to the Pantheon. Merchant guilds and knightly orders.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Rich traditions of music, art, and literature. Celebrate various festivals based on the Pantheon and seasons.


Originated from the Central Kingdoms and expanded outward, establishing trade routes and colonies.

Historical Figures

King Alden the Just, who united several warring states. Lady Elara, a renowned mage and scholar.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Generally diplomatic, with established trade and alliances with other races. Occasional conflicts with orcs and distrust of merfolk.
70-90 years.
Average Height
5'4" to 6'2".
Average Weight
120-220 pounds.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Varies widely, from pale to dark skin tones. Hair and eye color also vary.

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