Oma II Character in Avatar Legends: Petals of the Lotus | World Anvil
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Oma II

Queen of the City of Oma

Queen Oma II (a.k.a. "The Second Earthbender")

Queen Oma II comes from about as legendary a lineage as possible in the Earth Nation. Her mother, the legendary Oma from the tale of Oma and Shu, is credited as one of the original Earth Benders by the time of ATLA. Since most Earth Benders went extinct by the end of the Great War, Oma II's mother had to relearn the art of Earth Bending by observing badger-moles dig in the earth (as explained in ATLA). Through mimicking their techniques, Shu and Oma were able to reach each other and show their love for each other in person.   Shu and Oma used their newly learned Earth-Bending techniques to defend local towns and villages from collateral damage during the Great War. Non-benders recognized the heroicness of Shu and Oma's actions and rallied around the two to form their own "mini-nation." Eventually, this mini nation would form a city, named the "City of Clay," due to it being one of the first cities in the Earth Nation to be made of almost entirely clay. Sadly, Shu and Oma died defending the peoples of their homeland, but not before leaving behind a daughter, Oma II. The citizens of the newly formed City of Clay named Oma II Queen of the city in honor of her parents.   Queen Oma II has ruled Kingdom of Omashu in peace for over 65 years. During the early years of Oma II's reign, Omashu experienced unrivaled economic and infrastructural growth, causing the city to become the most influential center of trade and development in all the United Earth Kingdoms. On the 50th anniversary of her parents' deaths, Queen Oma II renamed the City of Clay to the City of Omashu.   Queen Oma II has grown old, and the glory days of her reign, and the city as a whole, are far behind. For the last 15 years, Queen Oma II has never left the palace grounds, and so she doesn't get to see what life is actually like in the city. As a consequence, the development and growth of Omashu has ground to a halt. In any other city, the citizens would probably demand for a new leader to rule over them. But, Queen Oma II is so legendary and beloved as a ruler, no one has the heart to tell her.
Circumstances of Death
Died of Old Age
Ruled Locations

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