City of Shu Settlement in Avatar Legends: Petals of the Lotus | World Anvil
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City of Shu

Precourser to Omashu in ATLA.   The City of Shu is the capitol city of the Kingdom of Omashu. Though the kingdom is named after both Oma and Shu, the city is solely named after Shu becuase the daughter of Oma, Oma II, is still alive and rules the kingdom.   The City of Shu is the oldest major settlement in all of the Earth Mainland, even being older than Ba Sing Se. However, Ba Sing Se became a proper city many years before the City of Shu was built up as a city. This history has caused a rivalry to emerge between the two cities and the kingdoms they rule. Because of this rivalry, the City of Shu has refused to join the United Earth Kingdom so as to not be ruled by Ba Sing Se.
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Clay
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym

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