Kingdom of Omashu Organization in Avatar Legends: Petals of the Lotus | World Anvil
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Kingdom of Omashu

Independent kingdom on the Earth Mainland.   The people of Omashu proudly remain autonomous within their own kingdom. Due to their ancient rivalry with the Kingdom of Ba Sing Se, the people of Omashu refuse to come under the banner of the United Earth Kingdom.   The Kingdom of Omashu was one of the first major powers to emerge on the Earth Mainland after the Earth Peoples gained independence in The Bending War. In fact, some claim that the Kingdom of Omashu was the very first major power to emerge, but the Kingdom of Ba Sing Se of course disputes this claim.   In recent years, the Kingdom of Omashu has declined in its power and influence. Specifically, the kingdom's economy has stagnated, and social mobility has slowed. This has lead to more pronouced class disparities between the peasants and the elites than ever before in the kingdom. A major reason for this decadance is the inaction of the very old leader of the kingdom, Queen Oma II.   The kingdom's capital is the City of Shu.

Love Conquers All

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Related Ethnicities

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