Sun Warriors Ethnicity in Avatar Legends: Petals of the Lotus | World Anvil
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Sun Warriors

People of a once mighty empire, Sun Warriors reside on two islands north of the Fire Islands. Sun Warriors practice Fire Bending, but not in the same way as Fire Islanders. Instead, Sun Warriors fire bend more similar to air benders.   Though they are called "warriors," Sun Warriors are considered mostly peaceful. Their warrior regalia is typically reserved for cerimonial purposes only.   Sun Warriors speak a language unlike any other in the world. Some historians of The Secret College consider their language to be of ancient origin, perhaps even the very same language spoken by the First Peoples. This is disputed however by other historians and even the oral tradition of the Sun Warriors themselves, who claim to have emerged from the volcanoes of the Fire Islands independent of the First Peoples and Lion Turtles.

Major organizations

Sun Empire (formerly)

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