The Elite of the Earth Kingdom Military Formation in Avatar Legends: Petals of the Lotus | World Anvil
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The Elite of the Earth Kingdom

Only the best can claim to have joined the ranks of The Elite of the Earth Kingdom, more commonly referred to as "The Elite." Acting as the covert operatives in the United Earth Kingdom's army, The Elite of the Earth Kingdom do the dirty work of the High Earth King, Xeno. They've been dispatched for many high risk, high reward missions, including intelligence gathering, military sabotage, and even support in battle.   However, "The Elite" are most feared for their expertise in assassination. "The Elite" never leave a trace unless they intend to send a clear message. When they do, the message is always made loud and clear, much to the dismay of all who oppose the High Earth King.



24 Operatives at a time.


Answers directly to Spymaster of the Earth Kingdom. Designated Team leaders for 12 men strike teams.


Stealth, sabotage, and distance.


One most undergo intense mental and psychological training, on top of regular physical training to join the ranks of "The Elite."


Created by High Earth King Xeno, officially to maintain peace for the entire United Earth Kingdom. Unofficially, "The Elite" are mainly used to do the dirty work necessary to maintain a vast empire.

Historical loyalties

Loyal to the High Earth King, Xeno.
Covert Ops
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

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