Xeno Character in Avatar Legends: Petals of the Lotus | World Anvil
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Xeno (Zee-no)

Villian of Petals of the Lotus

High King Xeno

High King of the United Earth Kingdom. He has sacrificed much to achieve his position. Xeno is more than willing to cast off some dead-weight if necessary, even if it means losing friends...   His rise to power has been extremely shady. But, Xeno puts on an unassuming demeanor, so he typically gets the benefit of the doubt.   Not only is Xeno High King of the UEK, but Xeno is also the leader of the The Order of the Lotus.


  Ruling from his seat of power in Ba Sing Se, Xeno has overseen the affairs of the entire Earth Kingdom for the majority of his life. Orphaned at 14, Xeno worked his way to become the right hand man of the King of Ba Sing Se at age 21. By age 25, Xeno was crowned the official High King of all the Earth Kingdom.   No ruler of Ba Sing Se has ever overseen such widespread technological and societal advancement in the kingdom in so short a timespan. Because of overseeing such astronomical growth, Xeno's sights are set not on the present, but on what the future may bring. He is a very learned man, so he knows that this period of growth and prosperity must at some point end. But, how it will end is still a mystery to him...   Starting at a young age, Xeno learned very quickly how to fend for himself due to his parents untimely deaths. He is somewhat of a pathological genius (if that is even possible). When he was younger, everyone wanted to influence him and his decisions (some more aggressively than others). Xeno quickly saw that Earth Kingdom politics was made up of only the most selfish people on earth. Not wanting to be controlled by anybody, but to instead control others, Xeno taught himself methods of persuasion and manipulation that would work on older adults. As the years have gone by, Xeno has only gotten better at these techniques, becoming someone who's charms no one can resist...   Growing up around politicians and military generals 24/7 with no father figure caused Xeno to become a master in statecraft before his time. He has never started a war to claim land or kingdoms, instead relying on his vast political power, knowledge, and manipulation to grow his kingdom. Running essentially a feudal state, Xeno delegates much power to the kings of cities and lords of provinces in order to better manage the affairs of his vast empire. All that Xeno requires is direct control of the farms and military of all the petty kingdoms, which they are more than willing to give since Xeno is seen as a fair and peaceful ruler.   Xeno has only ever been forced to oversee one war while he was king - a rebellion of "savage" villages and a city in the Far East of the Earth Kingdom. This rebellion was quickly put down though without much incident (at least officially...). Currently, Xeno is still having trouble putting down some of the remnants of the rebellion in the Eastern Peninsula which is causing Xeno to keep a small army mustered at the Eastern front. There are some though who believe this so called "rebellion" is not actually real, but just made up as an excuse to keep an army ready. No one however is willing to challenge Xeno on this. And, even if they do, he uses his charming persuasiveness to convince them otherwise.  

Why He Wishes to Stop the Avatar Candidates

  As leader of The Order of the Lotus, Xeno has immense power and influence over world affairs, and he is paranoid of losing this power. If Xeno can help it, he will not allow the new Avatar to diminish his power within the Order of the Lotus. One way he can ensure that is if the Avatar is not trained at all. But, even if the Avatar is successfully trained, he may still be able to convince the Avatar to join his vision for world domination. However, if the Avatar does not see eye-to-eye with him, they will have to be eliminated.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Walks with a Cane

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

Xeno is ultimately driven by his belief that the way things currently are, they always were and always will be. Consequently, he believes that good and evil have always existed and are both inseparable and unconquerable. He believes good and evil always happen in a cycle - good leads to evil, evil leads to good, ad infinitum. So, though war may give way to peace, peace will always give way to war...
Date of Birth
5964 BG
Ba Sing Se
Green, kind looking
154 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
As things were, so they always shall be.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

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