Klal’El Geographic Location in Avendora | World Anvil

Klal’El (K-law-l-ell)

Klal’El, also known as the Saurian Pocket Dimension, is where the Saurian Empire, as well as the Saurian race itself, originated. From inside this dimensional pocket it is possible to tell that there is an outside universe, but accessing it was another matter entirely. Encroaching the edge of the pocket results in space-time warping and the objects that exceeded the boundaries of the dimension being transported out and trillions of light years away. It is impossible to physically locate the dimension from outside, as space-time is folded completely around it. additionally, due to unknown gravitic anomalies, some laws of physics are different or even non-existent in the dimension. One of these is time, the gravity of the place causing time to run far faster than it does in the outside universe.
Alternative Name(s)
Saurian Pocket Galaxy, Saurian Pocket Dimension
Dimensional, Pocket
Included Locations
Included Organizations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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