The Siege of Jgenik Military Conflict in Avendora | World Anvil

The Siege of Jgenik

The Conflict


As the War For Atalan was beginning to get more and more destructive, the Walren just having destroyed several Tortilian planets in retaliation for their betrayal, Saurian fleets uncloaked in the orbit of the Sibrian Union capitol of Jgenik.


Battlefleet Hammerfall began to bombard the capitol city from orbit, rapidly depleting the inferior Sibrian force shields protecting the settlement. Meanwhile, elements of the Saurian Swords teleported into the inner areas of the Sibrian palace, rapidly scouring the building and doing battle with any Sibrian Royal Guards they came across.

The Engagement

Sibrian ships were frantically dispatched to face the Saurian war fleets. Alas, the Sibrians’ largest ships were bombers only, not even so much as a destroyer amongst their number, and almost all of them were destroyed in a matter of minutes, inflicting no casualties on the vastly superior Saurian vessels. Meanwhile, down on the the planet in the capitol, the Saurian Swords had located King Nerov and dispatched his personal guards at the expense of one of their own, quickly withdrawing back to their orbiting vessels via teleport.


King Nerov was captured and the defending Sibrian fleet was nearly wiped out.


After the Walren stand-down, Saurian forces left and King Nerov was returned (albeit with, unbeknownst to him, a surgically implanted listening device). Then, as the Saurian quarrel was with the Walren and they had no real issue with the Sibrians, the Saurian Empire even generously donated upgraded planetary defense shields (though old technology by Saurian standards) to the Sibrians to help better defend their planet in the future.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
28/1/1825 ASD
Ending Date
29/1/1825 ASD
Conflict Result
The Walren-led Tri-Crusade Alliance capitulated to save the Sibrian home world as well as the Sibrian king, ending the War For Atalan.


Jgenik Planetary Defense Force

Led by


The entirety of Hammerfall and Knife in the Shadows as well as a platoon of Saurian Swords.
The 30%of Sibrian ships that had not been sent to fight on the Atalanti front as well as a contingent of soldiers and the Sibrian Royal Guard.


1 Saurian Sword
The Sibrian fleet, consisting of only fighters and bombers, took 92% casualties and the Sibrian Royal Guard lost 57 men.


Siege Jgenik and capture King Nerov as ransom.
Repel the surprise attack and protect King Nerov.


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