Babaduke "Gembo" Gemkind Character in Aventyr | World Anvil
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Babaduke "Gembo" Gemkind

Babduke Gemkind (a.k.a. Gembo)

"From such humble beginnings, the small Rock Gnome became the biggest hero of our age. Sparking the New Pantheon, defeating Ezmyre, and ascending. Each would have been an epic tale on their own, but Babaduke "Gembo" Gemkind managed all three in one life time. Simply incredible." - from the journals of Old Jass

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Babaduke "Gembo" Gemkind was one of very few Rock Gnome ever to travel beyond the Undercropolis. Before joining the Knights of the Golden Order, he spent his time upon the surface cavorting and embracing life.   Babaduke "Gembo" Gemkind was one of the very rare individuals in the world who could access divine powers and Mick Zeeb stole a sliver of this power from him, later using it to turn into a celestial construct that he called Agent Ultramarine.   When Rowan's own divinity began to fail, he told Babaduke "Gembo" Gemkind that the Gnome's abilities were growing beyond his own and that Babaduke "Gembo" Gemkind was, in fact, ascending to godhood. Mick Zeeb attempted on several occasions to steal the ascension from Babaduke "Gembo" Gemkind, even succeeding once and torturing him in an old Garl Glittergold temple which would later be known as the Babadukian Temple. In that instance, Mick Zeeb was defeated during the battle to trap Ezmyre Site and in which Babaduke "Gembo" Gemkind trapped her incorporeal essence within the temple by creating a new pantheon. In a surprise twist, Babaduke "Gembo" Gemkind spared Mick Zeeb's life and gave him divinity over the domains of Evil, Avarice, and Tyranny.   After the Knights of the Golden Order defeated the Rumble King, Babaduke "Gembo" Gemkind gave Galphi "not-too-much" Echoseeker the gift of paladinship in the domain of life.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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