Beedah Smythe Character in Aventyr | World Anvil
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Beedah Smythe

Beedah Smythe

"Like all wisemen, Beedah Smythe speaks as if knowledge and wisdom are hers to dispense. While she has guided many who have entered Eternity, she herself has never made the trip. I feel like there would be more credibility if-- well, nevermind." - from the journals of Old Jass

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Beedah Smythe is the self-proclaimed shaman of Eternity. She has modified her body with holes through her hands, ears, cheeks, nose, and even between her eyes and through her skull. The single greatest repository of information of Eternity is held within her mind. Without her help, any expedition into its depths would be doomed but she guards the information, sharing it only with individuals who she feels are ready to leave this world forever. To that end, Beedah Smythe uses Nethersan to initiate a hallucinogenic ritual called the Rite of Farewells.
Current Location
Ruled Locations

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