Eternity Geographic Location in Aventyr | World Anvil
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"At some point in the history of our world, something punched a hole into our very core. The hole doesn't come through the other side of our sphere. I know this because I sailed there and confirmed as much. So it's not bottomless. Just very, very deep. I wouldn't be so disconcerted if it weren't for the fact that some very competent Titanium spelunkers went down and never returned. Even Dromish mages went down and never returned. I have to wonder, what would have stopped mages from teleporting back? Or even sending a message?" - from the journals of Old Jass


Eternity is a 2-mile in diameter, perfectly cylindrical hole cut into Aventyr and is believed to be bottomless. On it's horizon is Basecamp, where Beedah Smythe lives alone. She is the self-proclaimed shaman of Eternity. Anyone looking to learn more of Eternity should seek her out.
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