Kyra Character in Aventyr | World Anvil
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"Kyra is the last known survivor of the Battle for Sedas  though she is now an undead skeleton. She was originally found by Minksy wandering the Blythetalon Plains as a mindless skeleton, Minksy decided to capture her for her historical study.     Erithien Darkmoon noticed that the mindless skeleton seemed entranced by her exposed blood and so she sprayed some onto the skeleton and that act returned Kyra's sentience back to her.     Though Kyra could not speak, Danithal Titanothos used her Thieves Cant to communicate and learned that she was a spear fighter in the Battle for Sedas. While Kyra did search the Ruins of Sedas for clues as to her family's fate, she wasn't able to find any.     She is now a member of the Zolt and the Nemezhat. Though, I am convinced she cheats at Raesh rummy." - from the journals of Old Jass 

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