Spider Caldara Geographic Location in Aventyr | World Anvil
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Spider Caldara

"Ancient Dromish sorcerers used to travel to the Spider Caldara to make living sacrifices to powerful entities in return for great boons." - from the journals of Old Jass


This stones of this jagged mountain range are permanently stained black and red from the droplets of blood during the battle of the Rubble and Earth. During the altercation, the Knights of the Golden Order used the cortexes to make themselves the size of mountains to stop the Rumble King from destroying the Babadukian Temple and the Cropolis  Due to Erithien Darkmoon's blood being so pervasive in the area, all dead things rise up in sentient undeath  The Caldera itself was destroyed in the battle and is a gorge which exposes the Cropolis (and the Boiling Sea beneath) to the sky.
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