Rain Caves Geographic Location in Awldor | World Anvil
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Rain Caves

Rain isn't just a surface phenomena.
— Elkaren Amberstone, Geologist


The Rain Caves are a system of underground caverns with a very curious feature- perpetual rain. Indeed, there is such a thing as perpetual underground rain. Sometimes this rain is a light drizzle, and at other times it is a downpour. As a result, the exact size and shape of the cave is slowly changing over time due to water constantly eroding the rock. A map of the caves drawn even fifty years ago would not be accurate today.   Travelers have wrote about seeing these caverns filled with lakes, streams, and rivers. Almost any kind of natural water features one would expect to find in a cave. There are several outlets from these caves that allow water to escape thereby preventing the caves from becoming filled. Not all of these exits have been found, and those that have are also the only known entrances. The exact size of the Rain Caves is not yet known, though some believe that it goes on for miles underneath the Silver Mountains.  

Source of the Perpetual Rain

  Where the rain comes from isn't a mystery. There is a reservoir of water that lies above the cave roof that slowly trickles down forming a perpetual rain. It's how this reservoir is replenished that's done through arcane means. It has been determined that there isn't enough water coming from the snow covered tops of the Silver Mountains to account for the continuous rain. Therefore, there is some kind local aquatic magic field that seems to be a permanent feature of the Rain Caves.


Sparking Fauna

  The fauna in this cave system are capable of delivering electric shocks to any traveler that is unfortunate enough to aggravate such plants. This "sparking" characteristic of the plants is particularly dangerous in a cave that is constantly drenched in water.

These caves have been claimed as a home...
— Phidi Strideheart, Traveler

Home of the Tardigrades

  Large eight legged creatures called tardigrades reside within this cave network. They feed on the water which contains what they need to survive. This is somewhat in doubt as there's nothing blocking the caves and therefore the resources exterior to the cave system. Another interesting aspect is that the Tardigardes glow in a variety of colors due to bio-luminescence though not at all times.   A recent expedition led by Phidi Strideheart claims that the tardigrades have actually formed an organized society.  

Cave System

Common Flora

  • Sparking Moss
  • Sparking Fern
  • Sparking Kelp
  • Glow Flower
  • Glow Moss

Common Fauna

  • Salamander
  • Acidic Shrimp
  • Cave Spider
  • Jumping Spider
  • Water Spider
  • Acidic Scorpion

Typical Magic Fields

  • Aqua
  • Poison
  • Acid

Note(s) from the Archivists:

I bet no one gets thirsty in there. - Archivist Bob Ironrock

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