Council of Three Organization in Ayer | World Anvil
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Council of Three

The Council of Three is the governing body of the Folean Republic, which is made up of three principalities. The council consists of three elected officials, each representing one of the principalities. The councillors are elected by popular vote, with each citizen having the right to cast their ballot. The term of each councillor is for six years, after which they must stand for re-election if they wish to continue serving. there is an election every 2 years so the council is always rotating its councillors.   The Council of Three is responsible for making decisions on behalf of the Folean Republic, including matters of diplomacy, defence, and trade. They also oversee the administration of justice, appoint officials, and manage the budget.   The council operates through a system of checks and balances, with each councillor having an equal say in the decision-making process. This ensures that no one individual or principality can dominate the others.   Despite occasional disagreements and political infighting, the Council of Three is generally regarded as a fair and effective governing body, one that has helped the Folean Republic remain stable and prosperous for many years.   the current members and their responsibilities are as follows:   Name: Elena Falco Description: Elena Falco is the current councillor representing the principality of Artena. She is a seasoned politician and a former diplomat who has spent many years negotiating treaties and trade agreements on behalf of the Folean Republic. Falco is known for her calm and measured approach to decision-making, and her ability to bridge the gap between competing interests.   Name: Marcus Valerius Description: Marcus Valerius is the current councillor representing the principality of Bellona. He is a retired military general who served in several key campaigns that helped secure the borders of the Folean Republic. Valerius is highly respected for his strategic acumen and his unwavering dedication to the defence of his homeland.   Name: Livia Aquila Description: Livia Aquila is the current councillor representing the principality of Caelum. She is a rising star in Folean politics, having been elected to the council at a young age. Aquila is known for her sharp intellect and her passion for social justice. She has advocated for a number of progressive policies, including increased funding for education and healthcare, and has gained a strong following among younger voters.
Government, Leadership
Ruling Organization
Controlled Territories
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