The Folean Republic Organization in Ayer | World Anvil
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The Folean Republic

The Folean Republic is a diverse nation that lies in the heart of Abolon. It is home to the Western Elves, a proud and ancient race that has lived in these lands for centuries. The Folean Republic is a republic that is made up of three principalities, each with its own unique culture and traditions.   The lands of Fole are divided down the centre by the Spine of the World mountain range. The eastern lands are lush and fertile, with rich soil that is ideal for farming. The western lands, on the other hand, are densely forested, with towering trees that seem to touch the sky.   The people of Fole are known for their hardworking nature and their deep connection to the land. Agriculture is the backbone of the Folean economy, and the people take great pride in their ability to grow crops and tend to livestock. In addition to farming, the people of Fole are skilled in many different crafts, including woodworking, metalworking, and weaving.   The capital of the Folean Republic is Bingtonzan, a bustling city that lies on the corridor of land that separates the Gulf of Avolon from Lake Thult. Bingtonzan is a centre of commerce and culture, with a thriving market and many different shops and businesses. The city is also home to some of the most prestigious universities in Abolon, where scholars and researchers come from all over the world to study.   The Folean Republic is a beacon of democracy and freedom in a world where many nations are ruled by kings and emperors. The people elect their leaders through a system of representative government, with each principality sending representatives to the Folean Senate to debate and vote on important issues.   Despite their reputation for hard work and practicality, the people of Fole are also deeply spiritual. They believe in the power of nature and the importance of living in harmony with the land. They are known for their reverence for the natural world and their ability to communicate with the spirits that dwell in the forests and mountains of their homeland.   Overall, the Folean Republic is a diverse and vibrant nation that is home to some of the most skilled farmers, artisans, and scholars in Abolon. Their commitment to democracy and freedom has made them a model for other nations to follow, and their connection to the natural world has given them a deep sense of purpose and meaning.
Geopolitical, Republic
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Economic System
Controlled Territories
Related Species

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