Western Elves Species in Ayer | World Anvil
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Western Elves

The western elves of Abolon are one of the most ancient and mysterious races on the continent. They are known for their deep connection to nature and their mastery of magic, which they use to protect and preserve their forests.   The western elves are tall and slender, with delicate features and pointed ears. They have a deep appreciation for beauty and art, and are known for their intricate and beautiful crafts, from fine jewelry to enchanted musical instruments. The western elves live in harmony with nature, using their magic to tend to the forests and ensure that they remain healthy and vibrant. They are skilled hunters and gatherers, and have developed sophisticated methods for tracking and trapping game without causing undue harm. Despite their peaceful ways, the western elves are also formidable warriors when threatened. They are highly trained in archery and swordplay, and can move swiftly and silently through the forest, making them difficult to track or catch off guard. They are respected and admired by the other races of Abolon for their wisdom, skill, and beauty.
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