Vampires Species in Ayn | World Anvil
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In game mechanics
Vampires will take on the mechanics described in Grim Hallows.  Please discuss with the GM for the stat block and information of how to become, and develop one, if this interests you.   Social difficulty: ★★★★☆ - Vampires are considered fearsome and terrifying and are often depicted in many stories spanning across all settlements. The general consensus among civil societies is to kill them on sight, with some having special 'Vampire Hunter' sects of people dedicated to the task. Fortunately vampires are nothing if not cunning, and because of their human like appearance and unnatural charm can find themselves skulking among the unsuspecting masses. That said, they are beset by the sun and will be waylaid by its warmth and blinding light, browbeating the vampire into submission, many times in the public eye which will reveal them almost immediately. Because of this constant threat, it is ill advised to make a vampire character in Ayn. Only proceed with creating a vampire if you're experienced enough to navigate the shortcomings and have properly discussed this with the GM.   Changes from traditional Pathfinder: There are no half bloods of vampires or humans, meaning dhampirs. Instead a child wrought of such union will either be human or vampire, most likely a human. However, there is a chance the child will come out as a full vampire.   They will also become sickened if eating any traditional food, and instead must rely on drinking blood, the source of which does not matter, save for fellow vampires (as described in the article below).
"I remember it like it was yesterday. We let out a cry of victory so loud is shook the heavens, yet as the acrid smoke rose from the titanic corpse, our rally turned to coughing, and then wails of agony that started as soon as it had begun. What came from the fog was nothing we had ever seen before. What went into the fog were men and women of honor and renown...But what came out...? They were monsters."
— Folduinnithil Amberleaf, Elven Warmage
Vampires are both a feared and captivating enigma. Originally soldiers that were afflicted with the curse of blood at the hands of Mordanan's trickery, they were once hunted to assumed extinction, however, they only served to cull their numbers. What few original vampires existed found purchase in a new prey - the Humans. These curious and ambitious lot proved easy enough to isolate and victimize, turning them into vampires through the curse and creating enough of their ilk to serve as a threat anew. Fortunately for the denizens of Ayn they are still small in number, and not without their flaws, worst of which is how fatal exposure to the sun can be. Unfortunately for them, however, is the allure and deviousness of these stalkers of the night.
To the uninformed, Vampires are virtually indistinguishable from Humans. While it is true that they sport many of the same facial characteristics and general mannerisms, A more perceptive look past the initial, thin veneer reveals their signature traits.   Perhaps most noticeable is their pale skin. Decades, or even centuries of avoiding the sun has led to a pallor, washed complexion. Their eyes can also be giveaways, as they are usually afflicted with varying shades of red, from a dull crimson to nearly glowing levels of bright scarlet. Many speculate it's the direct power of the Vampire that lends to the varying shades, when in truth it's actually how hungry the host is, lending to some credence to the superstition. This is a flimsy way to identify them, however, as many vampires resort to magic and cosmetics to mask these visual traits.   The third and perhaps most compelling way to spot the blood enthralled are their signature fangs. Elongated canines that extend past the bottom row of teeth, oft as sharp as daggers and as deadly as they can be intimidating. Vampires generally have trouble hiding these teeth (Short of just keeping their mouths closed) since their tangible use is vital to their survival, and thus most means of camouflage and deceit fade in short timespans.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

There is a wide misconception that Vampires reproduce simply by biting non-Vampires. This is only slightly true and comes with many different facets. For example, only if someone dies at the hand of the bite can they be turned. This can be someone being drained completely, or being drained at the near end of their mortal coil.   Alternatively, someone who has been bitten multiple times (usually three to five) by the same vampire will become a Vampire's thrall. A thrall is someone whose free will, mostly, has been given (or sometimes taken) by the Vampire. They cannot disobey a direct order from a Vampire, though twisting and/or perverting the order is still an option. Thralls, sometimes referred to as 'blood banks' by Vampires, are usually kept in service as a means of fresh food with their treatment varying from Vampire to Vampire. If a Thrall is, in turn, given vampiric blood from their master (And no other Vampire), they are then turned into a Vampire. This transfusion is rarely given willingly by the oppressor, however, as they are oft reluctant to give such power away and freely.   The only other way for a Vampire to come into being is standard reproduction through mingling with their own species. Although it is possible by mixing with other races, the chances of the child being born a Vampire is low, compared to its conception as whatever other race within the process.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Vampires exist on a diet of blood. The source dictates the flavor and delicacy of the meal with humanoids offering a more robust and flavorful pallet and animals having a more bland and neutral tone. A vampire can even feast upon planar creatures and aberrations, so long as it bleeds, but may find it difficult to stomach, much like a human eating a slug.   If a vampire consumes normal, humanoid food, even meat, it is prone to making them feel sick, ranging from mild discomfort to extreme nausea, not unlike a form of lactose intolerance.

Should a vampire consume vampiric blood, it will shape them into a feral vampire, gradually robbing the consumer of their consciousness and immortal beauty until they are molded into a mindless, blood hungry beast.   This new form closely resembles a ghoul with mottled, leathery flesh pulled over their jutting bones and deformed musculature. Beyond reason, these creatures, much like zombies, only seem to recognize the intense yearning for blood, and will stop at nothing to sate their never ending hunger.   These lost souls are quickly ostracized from their more civilized communities.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Although Vampires are more likely to keep their given name in life prior to their transformation (Or transcendence as more devout Vampires refer to their resurrection), some may opt to change their alias entirely as a way to christen their new beginning. These names, like their otherworldly prowess, oft have a dark and alluring theme meant to provoke images of attractive and noble upbringing.

Vampiric offspring also follow this same naming tradition.

Male: Cassius, Alaric, Rudolfo, Strahd, Domenico
Female: Drusilla, Elizabeta, Victoria, Ambrosia, Adrasteia
Surnames: Crowley, von Zarovich, de Pointe du Lac, Moldovia, Culianu

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Vampires are almost universally hated, both by civil races such as Humans, Dwarves, and Elves, as well as primal races like Orcs. For civil races they are a constant threat that children's stories are woven around. Their acts of deceit, and an unquenchable thirst for blood are well known in folklore.
Even the major Vampire ethnicities don't often see eye-to-eye with most problems surrounding their birthright.  Senerian Vampires claim to be direct descendants of the progenitor while Tel'Koveshians believe the blood speaks to them directly.  While Vampires not affiliated with either of these two clans exist, they are rejected and ridiculed, seen as degenerate or weak by Senerians and Tel'Koveshians respectively.  The term used for these outsiders is 'Walkers' as in 'One who walked away from their family'.  Despite the implications, a vampire who has been exiled will also be dubbed a Walker.

Alignment and Religion

The most common deity to be worshipped by Vampires would be Lady Lyshara - Goddess of Oppression, particularly because of her lustful proclivities and fondness for intense cruelty and blood. Although much rarer, patrons that favor gluttony may appreciate Globboz - God of Disease and his extreme penchant for hedonism and engorging himself. Another, very common god to worship is Mordanan - God of Undeath, as Vampires are also inherently creatures born from death.   Beyond this basic level of understanding, the different ethnicities help sway the pious and devout towards alternative Gods.  Vampires that come from the Blood of Senera, may also worship Auresia - Goddess of Wealth due to her opulence while the Tel'Kovesh may favor Heluna - Goddess of the Moon owed to her domain over the night.
Universally hated, however, is Solisius - God of the Sun for his damning radiance and crusades against creatures of the night.
Vampire Noble
by Jonghwan Lee
Scientific Name
Homo Sanguine
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Vampires are pale, often ranging from a near ashen white to lighter shades of standard Human skintones. Their inability to exist in sunlight means they cannot tan, and many will wear their porcelain complexion as a sign of nobility and pride.
Related Ethnicities

Common Folklore Surrounding Vampires

  • "A stake through the heart doesn't outright kill it, but it might as well. They'll be paralyzed until the stake is removed."
  • "Whatever you do, don't invite a Vampire into your home. They cannot go where they're not first invited."
  • "I was chased by a Vampire once. I swear! I lost it when I swam across a river. I think the running water spooked it."
  • "If you're going out at night, keep your holy symbol and garlic close."

Cover image: by Tooth Wu


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