
Sugiramun was born in the high-noble family atop the Seventh Sky. His tsukaite mother, Megumi, inspired Sugi’s love for swordsmanship. His father, Amonomaru, meanwhile, taught of history and notable battles between throne-seeking tsukaites. 

The carefree life ended when the Northern Divider Queen Guran'Dukht waged war on the Nine Skies. Sugi’s parents went to protect their homeland. Only Amonomaru returned, cold, withdrawn, and never the same.
Months passed and Sugi noticed a horned and winged toddler, Mir'Hyun, in the palace. But unlike menes'has, the child's eyes and hair were bahhraym-white. Amonomaru never explained who the child was and asked Sugi not to mention him. 

Several years later, Empress Keiko's soldiers stormed Sugi’s home. Keiko executed Amonomaru and banished Mir'Hyun to the Northern Divider. The Empress spared Sugiramun, but stripped him of the noble status. The boy and Amonomaru’s royal servants moved to the Fourth Sky. 

Tsukaite Killer

Even in adulthood, Sugi’s passion for swordsmanship remained unwavering. He enjoyed picking at people’s strings, infuriating them and prompting the opponent to a duel. Not even tsukaites were safe from his silver tongue. 

Words of a tsukaite-slaying bahhraym man spread throughout the Skies. No one noted how Sugi only targeted god-blessed who weren’t particularly talented in combat.

The thrill-seeking duelist enjoyed every second of his notoriety.

The Empress’s Sister

One day, Sugi saw Saeko accompanying Empress Keiko. He was infatuated with Saeko’s beauty, outgoing nature, and frequent snickering. A striking contrast to the empress’s bone-chilling glare. 

As Saeko chatted with nobles and commoners alike, Sugi saw an opportunity. To erase the shame haunting his family and become the most influential bahhraym man currently alive.

All Sugi needed was a pinch of luck.

The Nine Skies
Mir'Hyun (half-brother)
Current Status
Seeks a cure for Moriko in the Chiraki Abyss.
Current Location
Year of Birth
2080 AR/ADF 45 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white skin, covered in black scales and wormy protrusions.

Mountain Encounter 

The chance presented itself when the black-tailed asteroid fell in the Nine Skies. Chiraki sightings soon followed, and Sugi ventured towards the impact area. Rumbling sounds filled his ears, growing louder as he hopped from cliff to cliff.
The colossal creature slithered around the mountain, slicing cliffs with black scales. Its face resembled a lion’s, with wide, goat-like eyes darting back and forth. The beast glared at the visitor, its mouth twisted and spoke countless tongues at once. Each word stabbed Sugiramun’s brain, zipping inside his skull.
“Tsukaites were powerless against me. What makes you different?”
The creature was a wounded Cosmic Amaar, seeking a vessel to restore itself and leave Ayonerra. Sugiramun couldn’t hope to defeat this monstrosity. So he offered himself. A second wave of pain nearly dropped Sugiramun to his knees. 
“You shall act as a temporary vessel. Whilst your firstborn will sustain me. Become my blood and flesh.”
Sugiramun returned as a renowned warrior, erased the shame haunting his family, and above all, caught Saeko’s heart. She granted Sugiramun a swift-footed white stallion, Rashi, as a wedding gift. 

White Worms

The serenity lasted several months until Saeko became pregnant. He planned to explain the possibly monstrous first-born as the vengeful creature’s dying curse. Sugiramun tried to put on a carefree mask, yet Saeko’s suspicious look proved its ineffectiveness. The Amaar’s occasional snickering further grew his anxiety. 

Sugiramun stayed by his wife’s side during the labour. The doctors screeched as Moriko took her first breath. Her long, worm-like white eyelashes squirmed, while the body was dotted with sharp, black scales, cutting the midwife’s skin upon touch.

Every elaborated lie Sugi had carefully woven vanished. Pity, shame, guilt and paternal love overwhelmed him. Knowing Keiko would kill the child on sight, the father snatched Moriko from the doctor’s arms and flew towards Dekabura's temple. With Amaar’s aid, he cut through the guards, stole the goddess Dekabura’s sacred sword and rode Rashi towards Skneli.

Sugiramun’s body twisted as he massacred Keiko’s hundred-man army. His skin hardened into sharp scales, goat-like eyes sprouted from the neck and curly fangs creeped from his mouth. With enhanced senses and regeneration, he stood toe to toe with three Hands of the Empress, killing one and severely wounding another. 

Just as Keiko charged forth, Sugiramun clutched Dekabura’s sword.  
“Stop at once!”
  Desperate, Sugiramun didn’t heed the weapon’s warning and started unsheathing it.  
“Get your filthy hands off me!’’
  Screeched the blade and tore Sugiramun’s right arm off. Despite the injury, the one-armed man parried Keiko's onslaught. Briefly, Sugi stepped on her sword and, for the first time, looked down at the empress.

Keiko's face twisted in anger and she answered the insult by slicing Sugiramun's left leg off. The father didn't yield and successfully blocked swing after swing. Yet, the injuries overwhelmed Sugi, and he staggered, allowing Keiko to pierce his stomach.

With the last drop of his strength, Sugiramun flew to Rashi, clutched Moriko and softened the fall. His eyes swelled with tears as he embraced the daughter and awaited the empress’s judgement.  
“I better never see you anywhere anymore.’’

The empress took Dekabura’s sword and turned back. With heavy grunts, Sugi got on the stallion and flew to the Vinwardisi Forest. He begged Chief Qaitlen to keep newborn Moriko safe from the Amaar. Qaitlen sealed the creature inside a gem and gifted it to Keiko.

The Aftermath 

Vinwardisians welcomed the father and daughter with their usual hospitality. Grandma Wue ensured that Moriko was well-fed and cared for. Sugi was glad to see Vinwardisians doting on his daughter, not batting an eye on her odd features. Several days later, the news of Empress Keiko killing her sister to “cleanse the palace from the filth” reached Vinwardisi. Saeko's death devastated Sugi, intensifying his guilt.

Sugi had trouble adjusting to the new life. He frequently traveled to the Grand Ring Pit, the largest legal gladiator arena on Ayonerra. He was unlike any warrior the Southern Dividers had seen and became a popular champion.

One day, Sugi met Xander trading in Vinwardisi. The legendary hunter’s tales and different chiraki potions intrigued the bahhraym man. Sugi wanted to atone for his crime and cure Moriko’s condition. When the daughter came of age, Sugi shared his wish and ventured towards the Chiraki Abyss.

Notable Relationships 

As a child, Sugi revered Megumi and viewed her as the greatest warrior. She taught him to be cautious, but not fear his opponents, even if they were tsukaites. 
Sugi had a strained relationship with Amonomaru following Megumi’s death. Only years later did Sugi realise Mir’Hyun to be Amonomaru’s son. The father’s changed demeanor and Keiko’s punishment made the events fit into place. 

Sugi was love-struck by Saeko at the first sight. Her wit and carefree attitude stole his heart, while her high status added to the temptation.

Sugi enjoyed watching Saeko work on her potions with the utmost care. Her curious and attentive side deepened his feelings for her.

Learning of her death crushed Sugi, and the guilt haunts him to this day.

Sugi had a tense relationship with Keiko. She was immune to his silver tongue, often stopping his quips with a stern glare. Sugi disliked the prideful empress always looking down on him.

Sugi knew of Keiko’s supremacist views, but never expected her to kill Saeko for birthing an impure child. To this day, he doesn’t understand why Keiko spared him. 
Initially, Sugi didn’t care for the future first-born, viewing them merely as the Amaar’s vessel. Yet the guilt overcame Sugi the second he saw Moriko. The father’s love grew as he protected his child from Keiko’s soldiers. 

Raising a toddler with skin-cutting scales wasn’t an easy feat, and faint scars crisscross Sugi’s fingers. The father has always been truthful to Moriko about the Amaar, their deal, how he lied to Saeko and its consequences. Despite everything, he ensured Moriko felt his love and knew he’d sacrifice everything for her sake.

Sugiramun feels indebted to Qaitlen. He admires the steadfast chief’s care for Vinwardisians and unmoving bravery.

Grandma Wue
The stone creature took Sugi aback, but he noted Wue’s voice soften as he befriended her. Nine Skies bahhrayms were a rarity in Vinwardisi, and Wue eagerly learned the different recipes Sugi shared.
Sugi often recounts his thrilling duels and enjoys hearing Wue's excited remarks.

Sugi befriended Khalib Isaac who forged his leg prosthetics - a regular one for everyday use and a temporary one for battles. The blacksmith even added a shooting apparatus to the weapon leg, which breaks upon a single blast. 

Cover image: by Nincho


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Jul 29, 2024 11:13 by CoolG

Man..I feel bad for the guy. I don't like that he put Saeko through such pain, but I still feel bad for him. I wonder how things will go when he sees her again.

Explore the dark and mysterious Inferncenem, the bright and wonderful Caelumen or the magical and fantastical Ysteria   Have a good one!   Feel free to check out my Substack: CoolG's Awesome Worlds! Join the Discord and chat with like-minded people!
Jul 29, 2024 12:29

They have a lot to talk about, that for sure.

Jul 29, 2024 13:33 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Such a fascinating and tragic character. I wonder what the future holds for him.

Jul 29, 2024 14:00

Thank you!

Jul 31, 2024 16:15 by Aster Blackwell

Such an intense character and story. I like how even though he did something objectively terrible (subjecting his wife and daughter to horrible pain), he wishes to atone for his mistake and still loves his daughter despite her appearance. How ironic that he came up with the same idea as Saeko... it will be interesting if and when they meet each other again in the Abyss.

Jul 31, 2024 17:31

Thank you! I enjoyed writing his perspective and guilt, compared to Saeko's article where she doubts if he ever loved her.

Aug 1, 2024 21:33 by Aster Blackwell

Yes! It really puts him in a new light compared to how Saeko thinks of him. I hope they can make up </3

Aug 6, 2024 02:28 by Owen Davies

Woah, this is an amazing story told in such a great article. I didn't expect to be moved so much. Definitely one to come back to and read more about!

"The world is only as big as one makes it. So make it bigger by expanding your mind."   Nonvyrox A fantasy setting scarred by a divine war.   Checkout what I've written for Summer Camp 2024
Aug 6, 2024 07:51

Why thank you! Glad to hear c:

Aug 6, 2024 12:01 by Han

Oh, this foolish man. I hope he meets Saeko again - in the Abyss, maybe?   Also, holy SHIT! This art is SO GOOD.

welcome to my signature! check out istralar!
Aug 6, 2024 13:27

Their meeting would be quite something. If Sugi even recognises white-haired and roughed up Saeko.   And thank you!

Aug 7, 2024 01:40 by Han

oh no... saeko recognising him, but not the other way around...

welcome to my signature! check out istralar!
Aug 7, 2024 16:50 by Alan Byers

Such great storytelling! I've decided to include this in my Reader's Choice list for this year!

Alan's Summer Reading Round-Up
Generic article | Aug 6, 2024

Aug 7, 2024 19:12

Aw thank you! Greatly appreciated!

Aug 23, 2024 17:33

Another great character piece with beautiful art. I felt his pain for his parents, Saeko and his daughter. But at the same time I was also torn and thought he challenged it too. I love your creativity in weaving these (tragic) stories that will surely become myths and legends in your world at some point.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 23, 2024 20:14

Thank you! We are glad to see readers being torn about him.   As Nikoloz said "Why do ppl love that mf?".