Nimrodial Library

The Nimrodial Library based on Yeronime's description, drawn as accurately as possible by Xander
The Nimrodial Library is a grand living fortress standing proudly among Amaarion’s southern mountain range, the Steel Dam. Throughout the years, Yellow Grdzneulni have protected numerous manuscripts housed in its countless shelves. Many historical documents are one of a kind, making the Nimrodial Library a centre of knowledge on Ayonerra. 

Reaching the library is no easy feat, with the Steel Dam’s towering cliffs looming overhead. Those travelling from outside Amaarion often employ small flying islands and carefully maneuver between the ridges. Yet, one must be cautious not to tread close to k’nksh’s weapon pyramids and fall victim to their powerful beams. 

Several aakhir mages ensure the library stays invisible from the unwanted eyes. Yellow Grdzneuli Anni reads any approaching person or creature’s thoughts, and if their intentions are pure, unveils the library and welcomes them inside. 


The Nimrodial Library’s walls are radiant gold, shimmering under sunlight. A long, human-faced creature lazes on the roof, occasionally slithering from one tower to another. Her size surpasses even the largest bahamuth. The creature inspects any stranger with visible suspicion and a pinch of disgust. 

Thousands of books fill the interior, with spiralling ladders stretching between the shelves. One would have trouble finding a single bare wall amidst the manuscripts. Anni gladly guides the new apprentices, teaches the sorting methods and how to swiftly find their desired texts. 


“Was there an earthquake right now?”
“No. Why?”
“The walls moved.”
“That’s just him breathing.”
- Whispering apprentices

When the Rain of Amaars struck, Goddess Apor gathered the Sun's children and was ready to turn herself into a devastating eruption. Her son, Nimrod the Wise, couldn’t leave his beloved mother alone. He wrapped his arms around Apor and pleaded for her to retreat. But the goddess’s heart didn’t waver. Every nearby Amaar met their demise, yet Nimrod didn’t have a single scratch. As he glanced downwards, he saw the goddess's severed head rest in his arms. 

Cradling Apor’s head, Nimrod made his way towards the Steel Dam. Upon reaching the peak, the devoted son remoulded himself into an impenetrable fortress and swore to always keep his mother safe.

Cover image: by Nincho


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Jul 14, 2024 16:04 by Aster Blackwell

I'm so obsessed with mystical libraries. I'd love to learn more about that slithering creature on top!

Jul 14, 2024 16:18

Eyy! She'll get an article eventually!

Jul 14, 2024 17:35 by Alan Byers

Very cool! Is that Nimrod's face I see on the front of the fortress?

Jul 14, 2024 20:55

Indeed! Even though Yeronime never mentioned the face being visible.

Jul 14, 2024 22:20 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the art of the fortress. 10/10 to Xander.   Am I allowed to come browse the books? I love mysterious libraries.

Jul 14, 2024 22:32

Anni would gladly welcome you c: