Summer Camp Prep 2024

Week 1 - Change

Ayonerra has been through a lot of changes since its creation. From a sphere devoid of life to a home of radiant Hskaner and a battleground against the The Sun's children, to the last surviving planet filled with diverse flora, fauna and races formed following Med'Hea's arrival.

Last year’s Rain of Amaars / Deaf Fall article focused on a broader history and lore. Exploring how different regions, cultures and people transform on a smaller scale can be equally interesting. Examples include Dayani commander Lavran's recent conquering of Firoz, the civil wars spreading across the Flying Islands or individual characters being forced to adapt for survival.

Prompt-based challenges are quite a motivation booster. My goal is for each article to have at least one drawing. I aim for the Silver Badge this year, but I’ll be happy with the bronze as well. Camp Chill all the way!
META and Primer
The META and Primer are thankfully up to date! I had fun condensing the cosmology, lore-related characters and races for the primer. META meanwhile… let’s say I’m glad it’s over with.

Category and Tags
I’m pleased with the current categories, so don’t plan on changing them before the Summer Camp starts.
I’ve been neglecting tags, so want to look into them more. Have heard some handy tricks they can be used for. My tag (if I don’t forget) for Summer Camp 2024 will be sc24.

Week 2 - Refuge

Many Ayonerrans seek refuge from misfortune, crimes or conflicts. For instance, the Bridge Empire keeps Amaarionese safe from K'nksh. The Vinwardisi Forest is a haven for people wanting to repent and turn over a new leaf. Meanwhile, the Golden Nighabis let go of their past, becoming renowned and feared mage soldiers. I’m thrilled to delve into different sanctuaries one might encounter, be it a like-minded community or personal approaches for overcoming hardships.

An accountability buddy
Considering Ayonerra is a shared project between my husband and me, I’ve already got the accountability buddy! I’m also a pretty active member of the World Anvil Discord server and often share new articles, ideas or art with other users.

Styling and CSS
Nearly every article features art, quotes and/or bordered containers to break up the text. I’ve recently edited Ayonerra’s theme to be more distinct from the default Elven Forest. Pretty happy with the result. Although I might try tweaking the world sidebar and change the world background when I finish drawing it.

I plan on looking into variables to make theming easier, as I enjoy articles having different coloured headings and image borders depending on the topic or character.

Week Three – Belief

While most Ayonerrans believe in the twelve gods, they primarily worship the one associated with the creation of their race. A dharaat won’t expect a dunyar to worship Apor. Similarly, a dunyar won’t force a dharaat to pray to Sept’Ambra. This leads to conflicts between different religions being pretty rare. Meanwhile, schisms and unrest inside a particular faith can be more notable. The major example is the menes’ha faiths related to Messiah Au’Rhelion and his fate following the duel against King Ahog'Reon.

Dharaat funeral rites would be interesting to tackle. How different cultures prepare the dead, the steps and specifics depending on location, and various beliefs related to the soul and how it can be released from the metallic flesh.

I’ve already detailed major influences in the META, listing clothing, movies, literature, music and games that have inspired us.

Ayonerra’s map is mostly finished, mainly lacking city names and pins for notable landmarks.

Map of Ayonerra
The political map of Ayonerra in 2125 AR/ADF.

Regarding art, I’ve recently enjoyed works by Ryoko Kui (mangaka of the Delicious Dungeon). I admire how diverse her people are when it comes to looks, facial features and body types, and her creature designs are immaculate.

Kamome Shirahama's (mangaka of the Witch Hat Atelier) clean and precise lineart and hatching similarly never fail to impress me.

Week 4 – Decay

Similar to “change”, “decay” can encompass a lot. From biological and ecological view, to more metaphorical like crumbling empires, cultures and morals. The Sacrifice article shows a single tribe’s rotted moral leading to their ruin. Expanding on the similar events can show different types of decay, be it in more negative or positive light.

Optimising environment
I mainly write in bed and edit the articles at the desk. The desk is usually well-kept aside from occasional pens, pencils, and erasers scattered across. Nothing 2-minute tidying won’t fix!

Homepage, intro and author’s page.
I’m pretty happy with the homepage and introduction article. Especially the category book covers and the summary of the world’s key concepts. And who can forget Grandma Wue’s celebration cake!

I have neglected the Author’s page so could add some bits of info there.


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Jun 18, 2024 17:44 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Good luck! :D I'm so excited to read more of Ayonerra. :D

Jun 18, 2024 21:06

Thank you!

Jun 25, 2024 18:41 by Mochi

Best of luck! <3

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Summer Camp 2024 Reading Challenge!
Jun 25, 2024 20:53

The pledge turned out great. I am very excited about your articles and wish you much success in achieving your silver goal and maybe more.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Jun 25, 2024 23:47

Thank you so much!

Jun 26, 2024 08:39 by Annie Stein

I am really looking forward learn more about Ayonerra this summer! I'm so hyped! Your ideas are so cool, and then we'll be getting more lovely art to boot? We're feasting :o

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Jun 26, 2024 12:24

Aw thank you! And each article will have art in it don't you worry!

Jun 27, 2024 19:42

Best of luck !!! I can't wait to read more Ayonerra articles! and see your awesome art!. Dharaat funeral rites sounds really interesting!!. Also I'm happy to find another Ryoko Kui and Dungeon Meshi fan!.

Jun 27, 2024 22:11

Thank you! And hello fellow person of culture. Dungeon Meshi's truly amazing.