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Rite of Tiage-Gen (tee-AJH jehn)

Personal Journal of Druail Sandrine

  The New Moon was last night. My first time performing the monthly Rite of Tiage-Gen as the Druail, and it was as if I was a novice priest again. It was not the cold water that made me shake so during my cleansing and preparations, but fear. Fear that I would mix up the order of ritual, that I'd forget the words to a chant, ridiculous fears, yet they persisted. Still, it reawakened the sense of gravity, the full focus on what I was doing that we priests should always strive for. Putting on my robes, tucleuil, and stole was a ritual in itself, so when I placed the veil over my head, everything in my mind became still, and I was ready. I stepped out into the night, and looked down from my balcony at the sea of veiled worshippers crowding Temple Square, each one bearing a lit candle.   I sang out the call to worship, entreating all within the sound of my voice to heed and atone for the sin of humankind. I was surprised at how easily my voice carried, the clever acoustics of the square. Silence rippled across the throng, and a few latecomers scurried to their places. Once everyone was settled, I spoke the traditional words of the Creation myth: how Maion had made the world pure and perfect; how their jealous sibling Zolgar ruined it, adding magic; how humankind had sinned and taken up that magic, used it, and brought destruction upon the world. I was pleased that my voice never wavered.   As I finished the story, I signalled the acolytes on either side of me, and they extinguished the candles they held. Below, the congregation was doing the same, not quite in sync, and knelt as darkness covered the square. I began the main litany, and the sound of hundreds of voices swelled up in their response to my call. I was overwhelmed by the power of it, all these individuals coming together to atone and beg forgiveness of Maion. I was filled with the knowing that we were accomplishing something with our prayers and chants.   It seemed all too soon that I signalled for the crowd to rise and be cleansed. Lesser ranked priests walked among the rows of people, some sprinkling blessed water on the participants, some coming with a candle to relight the ones that had been brought. Light slowly spread across the square as each worshipper was washed clean of the darkness of Zolgar. I truly felt the cleansing as I washed my hands in the bowl of blessed water that an acolyte had brought, then signalled that the balcony candles should be relit.   The final chant of reconciliation was almost joyous in its power, all our voices joined as one. It was as if Maion was present among us, and perhaps they were. The entire rite had seemed more hallowed and moving than ever. I did not credit myself with this aura of holiness, but rather the stillness that I felt inside of me, from my robing to this point. Carefully, I lifted my veil and let my face be seen, calling out the promise that forgiveness had been obtained. The congregation's response was somber, and yet it seemed that jubilance was floating very near the surface. Hundreds of veils were removed at once, and I gave them all the final blessing of peace and safe travels to finish the ritual.   Back in my private chambers, I shook from the sensation of it all. I had been to and officiated at many powerful rituals, but nothing had prepared me for a Tiage-Gen of such scope. I wish the same sense of connection and forgiveness upon all who were present last night, for Maion was truly near. I broke my fast with a simple loaf of bread, savoring each bite in that same quiet mind, before preparing for sleep. I felt blessed when I was raised to Druiel, and I feel blessed now, with a powerful start to my leadership. May all know the forgiveness and grace of Maion.
by Nightflyer0ne via Midjourney
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The New Moon Rite
  The Rite of Tiage-Gen, or the New Moon, is the most important ritual in the monthly cycles of observance. The devout will fast throughout the daylight hours, then bathe in cold water to cleanse themselves before going to their Temple. The rite is performed shortly after sundown, and its main themes are atonement and forgiveness for the great sin of humankind, the use of magic. Each participant wears a black veil over their head to show their shame and contrition. There are many prayers and chants included in the litany, both call and response and in unison with the officiant. It concludes with a second ritual cleansing and the worshippers are dismissed with a blessing and a promise of forgiveness. Each goes back home or to a tavern or public house to break their fast in their own manner.

Cover image: by Nightflyer0ne via Midjourney


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