Valdare Mountains Geographic Location in Azarth | World Anvil
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Valdare Mountains

During the time of The Shattering, much about the lands changed. Parts of continents broke off, and some collided with each other. So it was with regions known as Imoya and Tiseth. As they collided, they rose up into a volcanic mountain range that has never calmed down. This is the Valdare Mountains.   Eruptions are not the only dangers within this mountain range. The barrier between this plane and the mystic plane, the plane of magic, is very thin in this region. It is not uncommon for new rifts to open up between the two, causing magic storms that will harm anyone in the immediate area.   Despite these dangers, there are many who make their homes in these mountains, for this area is the only known source of Aspium within the kingdom of Polira. There are four major mines within the Valdares, all property of the crown. As such, the miners do not live in normal towns, but rather stockaded military installations, complete with a quartermaster for all their provisioning needs, and a pair of Sanguine Tower casters, to ensure no one gets ahold of the Aspium that is not supposed to.   Traders and peddlers do still travel to these locations, as well as government supply trains. However, it is not unusual for them to be delayed, either by an active eruption, or a slow-moving stream of lava that has blocked a roadway. Eruptions happen every few years, and the falling ash often leads to lung problems among the miners and their families. Luckily for Polirans, the prevailing winds carry most of the ash away from the kingdom. Still, the mountains are dangerous to live and travel in. There was once a fifth mine in the range, but a violent eruption and the resulting pyroclastic flow down the mountainside obliterated everything in its path instantly.
Alternative Name(s)
The Valdares
Mountain Range
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Nightflyer0ne via Midjourney


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