Clan Ashforge

Clan Ashforge is a minor dwarven familial clan, which operates the Hands of Ore guild. The clan originally was a subsidiary of Clan Ironguild which has broken off into its own. They were one of the first clans to embrace the use of darksteel and grew in influence as a result.


Clan Ashforge is a relatively new clan. In the Fifth Age, it broke off from a subsidiary to Clan Ironguild in Endor, the First Mountain.   Clan Ashforge owns and runs the Hands of Ore guild, which operates in the Queendom of Keeleon in Tarteria. Clan Ashforge is closely tied to the affairs of the Hands of Ore, and provides goods and shipments to the guild facilities.   The leader of the Hands of Ore is Rador Ashforge. He resides in Endor and is involved in most aspects of the Hands of Ore operation. In Tarteria, in Thoriktown, the leader of the guild’s efforts is Andras Ashforge, the eldest son of Rador and heir to Clan Ashforge.


Clan Ashforge has households and holdings in the Throng Zorn, the Level of Clans. They also have holdings in locations in Tarteria, through their guild, the Hands of Ore.  
  • Clan Ashforge Holdings: Clan Ashforge maintains their clan holdings in the Throng Zorn.
  • Brondor Urbaz: The Hands of Ore main guild hall in Tarteria. It is located in Thoriktown and is run by Andras Ashforge.

Notable People

  • Rador Ashforge: Head of the clan and Guild Leader of the Hands of Ore. Rador operates out of Endor, the First Mountain.
  • Andras Ashforge: Senior Officer of the Hands of Ore and direct heir of Rador. Runs the guild operations in Tarteria out of the Brondor Urbaz.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
After the events of the Manslayer War and the emergence of the Parthenian Federation, the newer material darksteel began to circulate. Clan Ashforge and the Hands of Ore were among the first to learn how to use it and accept its widespread use. As such, they began growing in influence.
Geopolitical, Clan
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