Hands of Ore

The Hands of Ore is a dwarven merchant guild of metalsmiths that primarily utilize darksteel. They are based in Endor, the First Mountain and have a presence in the Vithang Khaz, the dwarven Hall of Commerce. However, the Hands of Ore operate primarily outside of the Kingdom of Endor.


The Hands of Ore were a low-ranking metalsmith guild in Endor until the events of the wars at the end of the Fourth Age. When the Parthenian Federation was formed and as the newer darksteel began to hit the global market recently, it was the Hands of Ore that first learned to use it and accept its widespread use. As such, they began growing in influence.   The other guilds and family smiths in Endor have long been established, and the Hands of Ore as a result have placed their focus outside the realm of the first mountain, specifically in places with the unique resources available for smelting. This includes the darksteel from Parthenia, as well as the lost orichalcum from Tarteria.   The leader of the Hands of Ore is Rador Ashforge, a dwarf of a subsidiary clan to Clan Ironguild, that has broken off to make his own fortune. He resides in Endor and is involved in most aspects of the Hands of Ore operation. In Tarteria, in Thoriktown, the leader of the guild’s efforts is Andras Ashforge, the eldest son of Rador and heir to Clan Ashforge.


In the Queendom of Keeleon, they operate the Darksteel Foundry in Porgorag and the Brondor Urbaz in Thoriktown. They are in direct competition with the Tarterian Traders, a loose affiliation of various outside-interests that have a firm hold on Keeleon's economy.  
  • Vithang Khaz: The Hands of Ore allotted place in the Vithang Khaz, the Hall of Commerce in Endor, the First Mountain. While the other main guilds have their areas of influence inside the city, the Hands of Ore presence in Endor is that of other smaller guilds: piecemeal and spread thin. As such, they only have this central guild location where they operate from.
  • Brondor Urbaz: The Hands of Ore main guild hall in Tarteria. It is located in Thoriktown and is run by Andras Ashforge.

Notable People

Endor, the First Mountain
  • Andras Ashforge: Senior Officer of the Hands of Ore and direct heir of Rador. Runs the guild operations in Tarteria out of the Brondor Urbaz.
  • Parn Snowale: Yeoman Member of the Hands of Ore. Parn runs the Tradegoods Shop.
  • Ambera Lightbraid: Yeoman Member of the Hands of Ore. Ambera runs the Ash Forge.
  • Vitibuk: Freeman Member of the Hands of Ore. Vitibuk runs the docks of the Foundry.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
After the events of the Manslayer War and the emergence of the Parthenian Federation, the newer material darksteel began to circulate. The Hands of Ore were among the first to learn how to use it and accept its widespread use. As such, they began growing in influence.   In 5A 347, Borscha Brickwell was working for the Hands of Ore. She met Romsca, Smelter of Ingots, and took her under her wing. Eventually, Romscsa joined the guild as well.   In 5A 349, Borscha and Romsca were assigned to the Darksteel Foundry in Porgorag.   At some point after 7 Jeran 5A 351 and before 5A 352, the Hands of Ore secured the contract for the 5A 352 Santeem Republic aid caravan through the assistance of Coinguard Gim Gorod. The Darksteel Foundry began working with the Hero Hunters to arrange adventurers for this caravan. This caravan arrived at the Darksteel Foundry on 1 Adroth 5A 352.
2021 Art by K Bredain
Guild, Craftsmen
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Romsca, Smelter of Ingots