Clan Przewal

Clan Przewal is one of the five great hobgoblin clans of the Hobgoblin Khanate of southern Tarteria. Clan Przewal holds the lands surrounding Narankhan, located in the eastern region of the Hobgoblin Coast.


Clan Przewal holds the lands surrounding Narankhan. The clan is wide-ranging and encompasses several family lines and the Clan Przewal legion.   Clan Przewal are great traders and have the greatest incoming influence from other cultures in the world. Their port is the greatest in the Khanate and the maritime trade it brings is further influenced by the great copper veins and gemstone mines the clan lays claim to. The Khorgo Hills are full of riches, and many dangers; the Przewal Legion focuses much of its effort in defending this region of importance.   Khan Lagren is pragmatic and shares a deeper love of money and wealth than the other khans. The influence of outside cultures continues to grow in her city of Narankhan. The Kagyu of her clan resists this influence and belies the watering down of hobgoblin culture, but Lagren understands that with money comes influence, and influence brings power, and she charismatically avoids such internal conflicts. Even if she could not, her skill with bow and spear are unmatched, keeping any would-be challenges for her title at bay.

Notable People

  • Khan Lagren of Clan Przewal, Leader of Narankhan: The current head of the clan and leader of the city of Narankhan. She is a pragmatic and trade-focused khan.
Geopolitical, Clan
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