
Hobgoblins are a somewhat uncommon race on Azimuth. They are a martial race of humanoids characterized by their red skin and rigid militaristic culture.



Hobgoblins have dark orange or red-orange skin, hair ranging from dark red-brown to dark gray, yellow or dark brown eyes, and a wide mouth. Hobgoblins can live as long as humans, though their love of warfare and battle means that few do.


Hobgoblins range on average between 5 and 6 feet in height, and they weigh between 150 and 200 pounds.   Their lifespans are similar to humans, reaching adulthood around 20 and having a life expectancy near 80 years.


Early history and supposed creation

According to hobgoblin myth, they were born from an ancient god who struck a great red mountain with a divine axe. The stone cracked completely, like an egg, and emerging from the rubble came the first hobgoblin. According to stories and myths, this first hobgoblin was named Orog, from whom the mountain chain takes its name, and the two halves of the cracked mountain are said to form the Orog Pass, now known as Hezrou Pass.   Historically, the hobgoblin tribes are native to the plains and tundra south of the Orog Range of southern Tarteria. There is little recorded history up through the Age of the Severance, but stories told by elders of the different clans all reference a time of turmoil and great bloodshed. It would not be until the Third Age that hobgoblin culture would begin shifting from the truly violent and destructive ways of the past.

Additional History

When the Azimuth Pantheon made themselves known to the races of the world, the hobgoblins began to worship the great God of Strength, Barduumus. They revered The Battlelord as a paragon of strength and skill, and the hobgoblins shifted from wonton bloodshed to skill, honor, and strategy during this age. With a respect for strength came a cultural shift. Ritual combat rose in prominence over fights to the death, and their population began growing.   The smaller tribes coalesced into what would be known as the Great Clans, four powerhouses that swallowed up or destroyed all others. Hobgoblin influence would continue to spread from coast to coast in southern Tarteria, and eventually into conflict with the orcs of Keeleon to the north. As a result of this war, Monbaraba, the First Grand Khan, would rise, unifying the four major clans under one banner to fight back the encroaching orcs.   The current Grand Khan came to power with his clan, Clan Gobi proved the strongest of the five major clans. Grand Khan Brodur defeated the leaders of the other clans in ritual combat to prove his superiority, and left each of the other four alive. This was instrumental in building bonds between them rather than resentment, which historically had caused more infighting and instability in the overall khanate.


Hobgoblins measure virtue by strength. Those with the strength to take what they want and defend it are deemed as the legitimate holders of that claim. Though they can be just as bloodthirsty as other goblinoid races, as all hobgoblins have a love of battle and warfare, it is the tactical mindset and honoring of battle that sets them apart, and often above, those others.   Since the time when Monbaraba first united them, a Grand Khan has held dominion over the various clans. This continues to shift and change, and generally the head of the strongest of the clans is deemed the Grand Khan, culturally in charge of the furtherment of all hobgoblins, but to what factor and how this is pursued depends on the Khan. Each of the five great clans are responsible for their own territory and have complete authority over their own affairs. As such, each defends their own territory with warriors from their own people, organized into a legion. Every able-bodied citizen can be called to defend their clan to supplement the ranks of their standing military force and guards.   In their martial society, every hobgoblin has a rank, from the powerful leaders and champions, to the rank-and-file foot soldiers, to the goblins that find themselves driven into the front lines at spear point. A legion is headed by a warlord with several captains serving under their command. As loyal and disciplined as hobgoblins are in their own legion, rival legions compete constantly for reputation and status. Meetings between legions erupt in violence if troops aren't restrained, and only exceptionally powerful leaders can force legions to cooperate on the battlefield.   The spiritual leaders of each clan are revered elders responsible for the connection of the clan to the will of the gods. Each of these religious leaders, called kagyu, may revere one or more of the great Dragon gods, though they generally refer to the domains of worship rather than to the gods themselves. The worship of the domains is led by the kagyu in great oral traditions, and the stories told are often parables combined with histories of battle.   Each kagyu or each clan may have a preference for one of the Dragons, though generally they all revere Barduumus for strength in battle and strength of resolve, Nerull for caring for those who fall in battle and as the end result of all life, and Avianor for the seasons and growth of the individual over time.

Hobgoblins in Tarteria

Hobgoblins are native to southern Tarteria south of the Orog Range. They are also common in the Southern Orcish Plains, where they’ve claimed a form of fealty for defending this place during the Tarterian War. The few traders and adventurers that head northwards can be found along the Orc Highway.   Beyond Tarteria, hobgoblins are somewhat rarer. The khanate has few ships of their own, so those that wish to travel must find other accommodations to cross the sea.

Notable Hobgoblins

Campaign Two: Lightbringers

Player Characters

Non-Player Characters

  • Naran: A fortune teller living in the city of Porgorag alongside her twin sister, Meena.

Azimuth Anthology: Vikramadi

Player Characters

Non-Player Characters

Humanoid   Subtype
Goblinoid   Size
Medium   Age of Adulthood
Around 20   Lifespan
Around 80 years   Average Height
Between 5 to 6 feet   Average weight
Between 150 and 200 pounds   Skin color
Ranging from red to dark orange to reddish-brown   Planes
Material Plane   Primary Locations
Chaka Image.png
2024 Character Art by J Pleshe