Reinhart of Medal Island

Reinhart of Medal Island was a historic human warrior who lived during the late Fourth Age and early Fifth Age. He was from Medal Island and is believed to be associated with the Lordship of Gardenbur of the time. He is also speculated to be the father of Eramine, daughter of Johanna.   Much of the information regarding Reinhart comes from the dwarvish tale, The Fate of Johanna, which references his arrival in Endor, the First Mountain, and interactions with Johanna, Shieldmaiden of Endor. As the story is considered a work of historical fiction, it is unclear how accurate the included depiction of Reinhart is.


Reinhart and his men were described as appearing "barbaric and ruthless [...] But none exuded this more than their leader, Reinhart."   Reinhart was skilled in battle and the art of war. This was shown during his lengthy duel with Johanna, where they fought to a draw. Using a sword, his fighting was described as ferocious and "like a dance more than a fight."   He was also a skilled negotiator. He was trusted by the Lordship of Gardenbur to approach the Kingdom of Endor as a diplomat, and was able to ask for shelter in Endor, the First Mountain, from High King Thorik Oathenhammer even though they had no coin to pay with.   He is believed to be loyal. This was shown by his decision to return to Medal Island despite his attachments to Johanna.


Reinhart came to Endor, the First Mountain, from Medal Island. He and his group arrived in 5A 029. They were sent from the Lordship of Gardenbur in response to the growing influence of the Parthenian Federation in the region east of Gimora.   At some point, either before arriving in the area or after, Reinhart heard tales of Johanna as a "the ageless Swordmaiden the bards sang of."   Though the group had no funds, Reinhart negotiated his and his group's stay from High King Thorik Oathenhammer. However, the men were asked by the High King to participate in a battle tournament in exchange. If they could best his greatest warrior in combat, they and their lord would not be required to repay the dwarves for their lodging.   The chosen champions for the duel were Reinhart and Johanna. Their duel was fought "ferociously, with skill and expertise." Both were exceptionally skilled, and their lengthy duel ended in a draw.   Despite neither being able to gain the upper hand, a connection was formed between the two. They would become close during the rest of Reinhart's stay in the city, taking "comfort in one another for as long as they were able".   Eventually, the day their group was to leave arrived. Reinhart was the last to leave, looking back at Johanna once before leaving.   It was after Reinhart left that it became apparent Johanna was pregnant with Eramine..


Johanna, Shieldmaiden of Endor

Reinhart heard stories of Johanna during his travels and seemed to have become enchanted with the myth surrounding her. During their duel, he was impressed with her skill, and they became close afterwards. Much of the remaining time Reinhart had in the city was spent with Johanna before he left Endor, never to see her again.

Character Information


Character Type
Non-Player Character

Current Status