Kingdom of Endor

The Kingdom of Endor is a nation in the lands West of the Gimora Mountains. Its territory includes the majority of the lands around the Dragon's Maw in western Gimora.


Though the mountain city of Endor is said to have existed since the First Age of Azimuth, it was not until the early Third Age that High King Bharadrin Goldroar unified the cities of Karak Endor, Karak Azgal, and Karak Thrund.   Since that time, thousands of years of history and culture embedded in the rocks and metals that make up the dwarven lands. These mighty cities have weathered great changes across their history. Connected by the great Iron Highway trade road, the Kingdom of Endor now sees more than just dwarves as citizens.   The central power of this kingdom is centralized in the remaining karaks of Endor and Azgal, though their reach extends far, especially in their underground networks of mines and tunnels. In the Fifth Age, the surface lands claimed by the kingdom include the Iron Range, Central Endor, the Base of the Mountains, and the Dragon's Jaw.

Notable Locations

  • Karak Azgal: A rich and prosperous karak high in the eastern mountains.
  • Karak Thrund: This karak was known as innovators and inventors, but it was destroyed during the Great War.


Notable People

  • Bernar Az-Baraz: The current head of the Gromril Army underneath High King Thorik.


The Kingdom of Endor is a culture primarily of dwarves, and as such they thrive in underground environments. The karaks are combinations of underground and surface living, which provides a unique blend of these environments for residents. Beneath the surface, there are expansive mines shafts and tunnels, and due to the scale of these activities, a large industry provides ample opportunities for work and wealth.   The history and age of the kingdom is a point of pride for dwarves. Many of the great stoneworks and constructions within the karaks show reverance to their shared history, important events, and influencial leaders of their culture. Traditions hold much weight here, which can at times makes the populace resistance to changes.   The clans are a central feature of daily life in the kingdom. The connections within a clan, and the relationships with other clans, can drive much of the day-to-day activity in the karaks. Clan familial ties carry much weight here, and any conflicts or squabbles tend to rapidly involve more and more clan members.   As a result of the reverance for history and the clans, there are many monuments that honor the dead, including the Mausoleum of Dwarf Lords and the Kings Towers.   In recent times, the culture has started to shift with the introduction of a sizeable orc population to the region. Especially around Karak Endor, orcs began to grow into their own subculture influenced by the dwarf world they were now in. Over the quick generations of orcs they would grow to appreciate finer craftmanship and embrace learning and mastery as a goal. This subculture is often called Dworcs, a term sometimes used to disparage them.


There are many temples and shrines to each of the Dragons within the old cities of the kingdom. In Karak Endor, old dilapidated and abandoned shrines can be found, while newer temples are grand constructions which show off the master stonework of the dwarves.   Dwarvish culture has a strong reverance for Zenethia, the Plane of Light, and Ignosia, the Plane of Knowledge. Chedae, The Heaven's Light, and Morounin, The Learned-Lady, are specifically honored with grand temples in Karak Endor, and smaller shrines and depictions are scattered throughout the many levels of the city.


Each dwarf karak has their own king and functions as a city-state on its own. The ruler of Karak Endor is also given the title of High King, and they rule as the leader of the Kingdom of Endor. There is a level of duty and responsibility to honor any request by the High King, however it is not a requirement of the other karak leaders to do so.   The title of High King is passed on to the named heir of the previous High King. The current ruler of the city of Endor is High King Thorik Oathenhammer.   In a karak, the clans convene at a summit called the Gathering of Lords, where they discuss the goings-on of the dwarves and their lands. Each official clan can attend these summits and voice their opinion to be heard. While all clans have a say in these matters, a karak's major clans carry the most influence as each carries the votes of its subsidiary clans along with them. It is usually very rare for a subclan to vote differently than their parent clan.   The High King convenes with the leaders of the Gathering of Lords on important matters as advisors, and the influence of their clan and leaders can carry much weight. Due to the nature of running a military and the functions of a kingdom, each clan has a responsibility to the crown to maintain the functions of the city. However, with each additional responsibility a clan holds, the greater their influence and power over the others.   The surface lands of Endor are under each karak’s jurisdiction, but in a similar way to karaks, they function largely independently under the umbrella of the karak nearest to them.


The standing military force of the kingdom is the Gromril Army, currently headed by Bernar Az-Baraz. While the bulk of the army is centralized within the karak holds, detachments of these forces can be found in other important locations, such as Fort Johanna on the northern border.   In addition to these standard forces, the Mithril Guards are elite royal guards sworn to protect the royal line. They stand out with their full dwarven-made plate mail an dmatching blue shields. The oaths taken by the Mithril Guard remove them or their decendants from ever pursuing the throne and bind them to the protection of the royal family.   In Karak Endor, there are also the Steelshields. These are dedicated city guards, which function as a detachment of the military.


The kingdom outputs much metalwork, ores, and stone used elsewhere in Azimuth. In addition, a notable export is Endorian coffee, which can be found as far away at the Queendom of Keeleon.


The Second Age: The Age of the Severance
At some point near the end of the Second Age, Bharadrin Goldroar became the ruling king of Endor, the First Mountain.   At the end of the age, with the first emergence of the Dragons, Esturk, The World's End, and Zenthai, The Dragon King, fought in the skies of Azimuth for twleve days and nights. This battle was witnessed by Bharadrin. It was seen as an auspicious sign, and it left a strong impression on the monarch.  
The Third Age: The Age of Zenethia
The early Third Age saw dwarven expansion in the region. Bharadrin would go on to consolidate the rule of the three major karaks West of the Gimora Mountains: Karak Endor, Karak Azgal, and Karak Thrund. This event was the founding of the Kingdom of Endor.   At the end of the Third Age was the Great War. During the long conflict, the lands of Endor were ripped in twain, creating the Dragon's Maw and Karak Thrund was destroyed. Though much was lost and the Kingdom of Endor suffered greatly, the dwarven forces led by High King Faldrick Oathenhammer did not surrender the First Mountain through the end of the war.  
The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
After the Great War, Rita, Wielder of the Zenethian Staff, spent much time in Endor, forging friendly relations between dwarves and humans. At some point, Rita's Zenethian Staff was entrusted to High King Faldrick and it was eventually placed in the Oathenhammer tomb of the Mausoleum of Dwarf Lords.   In the wake of the war, the Iron Highway was constructed. This trade road proved instrumental in the recovery and regrowth of the Kingdom of Endor, as well as the new kingdoms of humans to the east.   In 4A 996, many orc refugees from the Tarterian War came to Endor. High King Thorik Oathenhammer was convinced to allow them to settle in the kingdom by the efforts of the Zenethian Heroes.   Later in 4A 996, during the Endor Tournaments, Psaro the Manslayer attacked The Arena in Karak Endor. As a result, High King Thorik mustered his armies against Psaro, joining the Manslayer War.  
The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
As a result of increased conflicts in the north of the kingdom, including the Defense of Bonmalo and the events involving the Tribe of the Golden Fur around 5A 050, a new military outpost was established in the area. This outpost was named Fort Johanna and was officially completed by 5A 100.   By 5A 352, High King Thorik's advanced age has caused concerns in the kingdom, as the High King has yet to declare an heir.
2021 Art by K Bredain
The heraldry of the Kingdom of Endor represents the three main karaks of the region at the time of its founding; Karak Endor, Karak Azgal, and Karak Thrund. The grandest of the three, Endor, is represented by the central pillar.