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Dawn Elves

They call themselves Eladrin, or high elf in the common tongue. For some, this known birthright gives them a sense of superiority to the shorter lived races of the world. For others, it implants upon them a sense of duty to the less wise.

When an eladrin dies, their body is burnt in ritual and their life joins a collective memory of sorts which is shared by those who knew them in life. They are not thought to be dead and gone, but in a new state of being, the only way of joining them is by undertaking the journey.


In the time of the ancient elven houses, before they had arrived in Azuremir, the Dusk and Sun elves were siblings. None greater, none lesser. They lived together within Myriendyr, the Realm of Sun and Shattered Reflections.

In the Age of Turmoil, the Titans rose from the minds of Man and waged war against the Divines. The Elves, new arrivals to the world of Azuremir, had to choose whether to pick a side or to remain neutral and deal with the aftermath. The decision made ultimately tore the houses of elves apart forever.

When Aelon entangled itself within the skies of Azuremir, the elves bore witness to the aurora of magic that wove itself throughout the world. It was plain to see for them, but inaccessible to the people of the world. Its existence led to great strife within the elven houses. The Dusk Elves, led by Aeberonion, Lord of the Dusk House of Shattered Reflections, insisted on staying out of the matter and letting the beings below sort themselves. Lady Titalia, Queen of the Dawn House of Sun, the fairest of the Dawn elves, bade her kin to break the gates of magic and set them free upon the mortals so that they may fight.

Conflict was always resolved by debate and discussion within Myriendyr, but there in the grip of Azuremir, with the Titans rising in power, the elves felt their tempers flare into all out war between the two factions. Those who sided with Aeberonion were bested by Queen Titalia and her followers, and the war was ended; but it caused deep fractures within Myriendyr that led to its demise. Once Queen Titalia released magic to mortals, there came a final showdown between her and Aeberonion, an event which split the Realm of Sun and Shattered Reflections into the Mirror Realms, Mydwyn and Myrir.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Eladrin are sensitive to the seasons of the Material Plane. This manifest in their appearance at birth. Summer, Autumn, Winter, and Spring eladrin are the varying types one can find throughout the world. Regardless of the season one is born in however, the natural progression of the world seems to have an effect on eladrin temperament. Ask for favors in the spring, and be cautious in the winter.

Growth Rate & Stages

Once an eladrin has grown through its first century, it can claim adulthood. It is usually similar to its previous for ease of identification, but takes on more mature connotations. Though eladrin can live many centuries and even millennia, the number that do make it that long are awfully few and their existence is not openly announced. Many eladrin see fit to underplay their age around the shorter lived inhabitants of the world. An eladrin is by no means impervious to a sword through the heart and many warriors like to test the stories they've heard about elves in combat.

Additional Information

Social Structure

There is a loose hierarchy between the different seasons of High elves though it mostly originates from human stories and is encouraged by those it benefits. Summer eladrin are told as either painted as inherent mythical heroes or seductive lotharios and vixens seeking to steal human women away. Winter eladrin are uncreatively told as...cold and conniving, sometimes backstabbing sneaks. Spring eladrin hold the only normal stereotype, but can sometimes be projected as lazy, laidback, doormats. And autumn eladrin are said to have a stick up their ass.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The High elves have two major cities on the Material plane, Errenthyr in Omestad and Silarin on the continent of Makan.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
~750 years
Average Height
Average Weight


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