Kahldeem is a large city-state in the central region of Aikreon. The city proper sits at the base of the Cartawa Mountains. A massive network of subterranian tunnels and caverns extend will into the mountains to facilitate the city's industrial and mining sectors.
The city's massive population is almost exclusively human. While there are no strict policies forbidding other races for living or visiting the city, the populace at large is extremely wary (bordering on xenophobic) of non-humans. Elves are tolerated and even well received in the city; though most elves find Kahldeem to be repulsive, and avoid visiting at all cost.
The Hoopilt District in the Northwestern region of the city holds the largest concentration of free non-humans.
Kahldeem is ruled as an absolute monarchy. The sitting ruler is known as a Kahn. The Kahn has complete, ultimate power over anyone inside of territory he controls.
Large city
Location under
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