Babikiye Research Center

"Only through studying the natural world around and beyond our planets can we ever truly hope to understand ourselves. This holds true whether we are studying the migratory pattern of ducks, the depths of the ocean, or the universe beyond our skies. The Babikiye Research Center is dedicated to the facilitation and dissemination of scientific research towards the goal of expanding our collective knowledge of the universe and of our places within it."
— Babikiye Research Center's Purpose Statement
  The Babikiye Research Center is an organization which seeks to advance scientific understanding of our universe. The research center first took the world by storm with the historic launch of Aravu's First Satellites. It has since grown to accomodate a wide variety of scientific fields of study beyond astronomy, such as geology and zoology.


  The Babikiye Research Center was built with optimal performance in mind. From the outside, it appears to be constructed akin to many other astronomical observatories. For example, the Babikiye Research Center:  
  1. has a giant dome holding a telescope at its heart
  2. is far from any population centers to reduce light pollution
  3. is positioned on the highest hill in the immediate area for the best sightline.
Today, the original observatory, its beautiful dome, and the launching station at the hill's base still dominates when viewed from afar. Over the years, however, the entire region around the observatory has expanded greatly in order to accomdate a diverse array of research subjects, so long as it does not overly pollute the sky with lights or gases.


The Babikiye Research Center is located along the northern coast of the Kotuye Continent on the planet of Aravu. It is accessible by flying, by hiking for hours, or by riding the newest line of the Chamatoye Public Railway from Shushani Pithin's station.



The organization was originally founded by Nanatu Zylpeiros, an astronomer who dreamed of a scientific and technological collaboration between the planets of Kivria and Aravu. When she founded the Babikiye Research Center, her first goal was to introduce Aravu to the world of astronomy.   Together with volunteers from various Yashelin flocks, such as the Peli and Hesha Flocks, the Babikiye Research Center headquarters was built in a mere two years. Three years after that, they launched their first satellites and they have been busy ever since.

A Refuge Against the World

Founder's Refuge

When Nanatu first entered the newly minted observatory, she knew that she had found home after too many years of strife. Thankfully, her intuiton was right.   At the Babikiye Research Center, Nanatu lives and breathes the purpose of her institution and of her own, to expand knowledge. Her family and friends regularly have to entice her out of her home and workplace with promises of delicious food, merry festivities, and/or an adventure.

Scientific Refuge

The Babikiye Research Center is a haven for scientific researchers. It prides itself on providing scientists with the resources needed to research and expand the horizons of our understanding, especially that which they may not have had access to otherwise.   An example of the Babikiye Research Center as a scientific refuge includes, but is not limited to, 1) the study of Aravu's oceans by Maran Vela and 2) harvesting spiritual energy as an alternative energy source by Kivrian scientists.


Waste of Time

In the Babikiye Research Center's infancy, the majority of objections to its construction came from Yashelin bystanders who believed that the center would be a waste of time and resources at best and a disreputable Kivrian charity house at worst. This is based off of two different historical biases in Aravun Yashelin culture:  
  1. Historical disinterest and even deprecation of researching anything beyond the bounds of their continent
  2. Ingrained view of Kivria and its inhabitants as technologically and culturally inferior
In such an environment, even study of the oceans surrounding them were off limits. Astronomy hardly stood a chance in the face of such indifference. Yet, little by little and then all at once, the Babikiye Research Center proved their naysayers wrong. The launch of the first Aravun satellite silenced these complaints immediately, but bred new concerns.  

Forbidden Knowledge

How far is too far? Knowledge is power, after all. Where is the limit to the expansion of knowledge? Some fear the retribution of an angry god or gods if we cross into forbidden territory, though the Ida has at least given the center its blessing.   Otherwise, many concerns are assuaged by the presence of a respectable ethics council led by an interdisciplinary team that includes Yashelin leaders, select Kivrian representatives, and at least one Fas.

Kivrian-Aravun Relationships

The last time that Kivrians and Aravuns were in such close proximity to each other, it only led to a mountain of trouble for everyone. From the mundane distaste for inter-planetary relationships to the reasonable fear of the Ida, everyone from the humblest of Kivrian scientists and the loftiest Aravun Yashelin is aware of the issue.   Admittedly, that doesn't always stop them. The occasional relationship has emerged from the observatory, but these are usually fleeting affairs.

Cover image: by Kevin Quezada


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