Calir's Bakery and Bar

Calir's Bakery and Bar is the perfect pitstop for people on their way to and from work to grab a quick bite to eat for breakfast and a pint to drink before returning home for the evening.  


The bakery was originally intended for purely residential use. Rather than acquire or adapt a different building, Calir opened the establishment in the entryway of their home. They transformed their fireplace into an oven capable of maintaining a daily load of baked goods for the surrounding community.  


It had been a popular meeting place for everyday locals after work ever since its opening day. Business dwindled after it had been transformed into something akin to a headquarters for the Defenders of Creation. When asked for comment, Calir claimed that "we may be bad for business, but it's easier on my back."   Calir attempted to close the bakery in protest after the Ezekoru, with the explicit permission of the Ida, cracked down on the Defenders of Creation. They only planned to reopen it for the Hesha Flock's festival and then close it again. The outpouring of attention from Yashelin all over the community during the festival, however, led them to reopen their doors permanently.  
"You're all out of cider?" Obarash laughs in disbelief. "Already, Cal?!"   "I-I'm sorry," Calir frets, tearfully. "I didn't expect... this."   "Ha! What are you sorry for? Lemme call Kabshi and Uzabu. We'll get you rolling again in no time."


Calir's Bakery and Bar's clientele is almost entirely made up of local Heshi Ariko residents or the baker's close friends and family.   During the Hesha Flock's yearly festivals, however, Calir's establishment attracts Yashelin from all over to try their specially made mulled wine and a variety of sweet treats.

Bakery and Bar Regulars

Character Plus | Dec 17, 2023
Domini was the defacto leader of the Defenders of Creation. They are, or were, one of Calir's closest friends and a common sight at night.   They haven't forgiven Calir for reopening to the public, but they still drop in at least once a week to check on their friend.
Character | Dec 1, 2023
Petal used to come in for breakfast and the day's fresh bread at Calir's Bakery and Bar every morning.   They stopped after they adopted Nanatu and Calir expressly forbade both of them from the premises. Even though Calir has invited them back, they still refuse to return for now.
Character Plus | Feb 17, 2024
Kiana loves Calir's Bakery. He regularly stops at the bakery by himself in the early afternoon, when he needs a safe space to rest from playing.   Calir has special treats set aside for the ravenous mali. He is one of only a few who are permitted to enter the interior of Calir's home, which Calir allows to accomodate Kiana's sensitivity to noise and crowds.
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Otto Norin


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