Energy Barriers

Energy Barriers are magical barriers that prevent most, if not all, living creatures from crossing. Barriers vary greatly in size and scope, ranging from the petty energy barrier placed around Petal's favorite chair all the way up to the grand barrier protecting the entire nation of Haven from outside intrusions. No matter the size nor the complexity, barriers are always made up of the pure spiritual energies put into it by their creator(s).  

Aravun Energy Barriers

On the planet of Aravu, barriers are typically intended to protect built structures, such as homes, from damage. In doing so, they also protect the inhabitants of the buildings as well. The largest barrier on Aravu is designed to protect the Kotuye Library and Education Center from natural disasters, such as the raging wind gusts of blizzards. This same barrier wound up protecting the library's occupants from physical harm during the The Aravun Civil War.  

Kivrian Energy Barriers

On the planet of Kivria, meanwhile, Energy Barriers are extraordinarily rare. The average inhabitant does not possess the ability to manipulate spiritual energy, ie perform magic, and thus they are only found where Yashelin or Astris communities thrive. The two most famous Energy Barriers on Kivria surround the nations of Haven and Bes, protecting them from outside intrusions. Unlike their Yashelin counterparts on Aravu, the residents of Haven and Bes do not fear natural disasters or internal strife nearly as much as they fear the potential destructive forces of their neighboring nations. Therefore, they prefer to use Energy Barriers to keep people in or out of a space rather than place it on objects.  


Energy Barriers were first discovered in the early days of Aravun Yashelin civilization by Uri and Anapi, the eldest members of the Magi. Until recently, Energy Barriers were intended solely for use on buildings and other objects as structural support. This is because early Energy Barriers were impermeable, meaning that no one would be able to cross a threshold without the entire barrier being deactivated. Permeable energy barriers were invented by Areta and later put to good use by Ozim Laila, the creator of the energy barrier which circumnavigates the entire border of the nation of Haven. This barrier is permeable only to those that Ozim Laila has personally allowed within the confines of the barrier. If Ozim Laila rescinds her welcome (or permission to leave), the permeable ward is as impenetrable as a regular Energy Barrier.


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