
Haven is a small yet influential nation belonging to the planet of Kivria. The majority of Haen's land is covered in a dense, old growth forest interrupted only by three villages and their respective patches of farmland. The self-sufficient residents of Haven never seem to lack anything, a fact that has puzzled outsiders for centuries and led to much mythologizing.   The nation's abundance and influence stems from Ozim Laila, Haven's founder better known as the Lainist Goddess of Life. Ozim Laila possesses a unique ability to preserve objects from decay indefinitely, including food stores, ensuring the community's prosperity. Its industrious and creative residents, such as Haven's Watch, also bolster Haven's reputation via their contributions to their community and their connections made on the outside, such as at the Haven Artisan Fair.   Despite its age and the land's potential value to outsiders, Haven has weathered few conflicts with its neighbors. Those that Haven did, they always emerged victorious. Seemingly impenetrable Energy Barriers surround the nation, which protects it from even the most vicious attack. Only a select few are allowed to enter and even fewer to settle. This protective measure has maintained Haven's independence and security while also further contributing to its mystique and the myths surrounding it.


By Species

Haven's population is predominantly Awassi in origin, comprising nearly 60% of the total population.   The Astris make up approximately 20% of the population.   The Henin make up the next 15% of the population.   The Yashelin and Hewas share the final 5% of the population.


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